Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,67


He slid out of the booth. A gasp escaped her as he hauled her to her feet and into his arms.

“School is back in session,” he said.

Yes, school. She was good at school. “What am I going to learn now?”

“How to be on top so I can watch your luscious tits bounce while you figure out how to ride me for your pleasure.” His fingers moved to the top button of her blouse and unfastened it.

“You are quite the sweet talker,” she said with a laugh.

“Just telling it like it is.” He unfastened another button and slid a finger into the cleavage he revealed. “Should we hook up the cleavage cam or the headcam?”

Face flaming, she shook her head vigorously. “Neither!” She could only imagine how embarrassing it would be to watch herself having sex. Logan released another button and slid a hand into her half-open blouse to cup her breast. She glanced over her shoulder nervously, looking to see if the bus was still empty. Even though it was, the knowledge didn’t put her at ease. Someone could walk in at any moment.

“Still skittish,” he murmured.

He leaned in to steal her lips in a thought-shattering kiss. And if he was so fearless and reckless, why did he like her skittishness? Shouldn’t a thrill seeker, such as Logan, be attracted to boldness? She didn’t get it. But then shouldn’t she be attracted to shy, awkward men? And she totally wasn’t. Perhaps opposites really did attract. But were two people so different capable of creating a lasting relationship?

Did it matter? God, he was a good kisser.

By the time he drew away, she didn’t care if he stripped her naked and fucked her right there on the dining room table. Instead, he took her hand and led her to the lounge. With his free hand, he switched on the light and closed the door.

Anticipation made her belly quiver, her nipples tighten, her pussy throb. It also robbed her of all patience. She reached for the hem of his T-shirt and tugged upward. Before, she’d always allowed him to take command of every situation, but at that moment, she wanted her hands on his body even more than she wanted his hands on hers. She sank down to suck kisses on his lower belly. His muscles tightened beneath her seeking lips. When she nipped the fold of skin at the top of his belly button, he jerked. She slid a hand up the inside of his thigh and on upward to the thickening ridge of his cock. If his excitement was any indication, he didn’t mind her taking liberties. Were his nipples as sensitive as hers? She supposed she’d just have to experiment to find out.

With her free hand, she shoved his T-shirt higher, exposing his hard chest and the beguiling cut of his pectoral muscles. She flicked her tongue over the tiny bead of one nipple and sucked it into her mouth. He didn’t seem to mind her exploring, but he wasn’t trying to dry hump the nearest leg, as she’d likely be doing if it was her nipple in his mouth.

She released her suction and tilted her head to look up at him. “Does that feel good?”

“Truthfully?” He touched the top of her head gently, staring down at her as if afraid she couldn’t take his criticism.

She nodded.

“It’s okay,” he said, “but if you want to suck on something that will make my knees weak . . .”

His hand pressed down on the top of her head. She immediately understood what he was suggesting, but she now felt confident enough to play coy with him.

“Here?” she said, sucking on a patch of skin over his ribs.

He squirmed and chuckled. “That tickles.”

She looked up, trying to see his face, but mostly saw the crumpled fabric of his T-shirt. Reading her mind, he yanked his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. He stared down at her, watching her closely.

She held his gaze as she licked and nibbled, kissed and suckled his ticklish flesh. She knew it was ticklish because every few seconds his body would jerk and he’d laugh.

“I’d give you an A for your sexsational technique,” he said.

Sexsational? Now he was making up words?

“But if you want extra credit, you need to move it a bit lower.” He pressed on her head again.

She shifted lower, doing things to his navel that she wished he was doing to her drenched pussy.

Impatiently, he yanked his pants open and his cock sprang Copyright 2016 - 2024