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don’t think it’s a brilliant promotional scheme?” he asked, still trying to play it off as if he wasn’t flying by the seat of his pants.

“Do you?” Butch asked. “The fans are going to be pissed off at those protesters anyway, so you draw further attention to them by having them seek them out and convince them to come backstage?”

“The media will be all over it.”

“He’s right,” Toni said. “Something like that might make national news.”

He could have kissed her. Knowing that would lead to a tight fly, however, he settled for placing a hand on her lower back.

“You expect us to believe that you didn’t come up with that idea just to cover your ass?” Max stared at the ceiling of the elevator car and shook his head. “I can’t wait to hear what Sam has to say about this.”

“We don’t have to tell Sam,” Logan said. He’d faced their manager’s wrath plenty of times in the past. Pissed-off-Sam was not one of his favorite people.

“Logan’s right,” Toni said. “I’m sure this will turn out in your favor and Sam will end up thinking Logan’s idea was brilliant.”

Logan rubbed Toni’s lower back. He definitely wanted to kiss her—and more—now. He wasn’t sure how she expected this fiasco to turn in their favor, but he hoped she was right.

The elevator door opened and several flashes went off in their faces. Logan blinked his blinded eyes and instinctively wrapped a protective arm around Toni.

Butch cursed under his breath as he plowed through the pack of photographers and led the band to the limo parked outside. “I said no fucking paparazzi today. Get those fucking cameras out of his face.” Butch growled as he shoved a camera out of Max’s face and pushed the singer into the car.

Once they were all inside, the limo couldn’t leave no matter how much Butch roared in fury. They still had to wait for Reagan, who’d taken a different elevator to the lobby.

Toni cringed as the car rocked back and forth. Hands slapped the sides of the limo. Faces pressed against the glass. Steve flipped them off. Average day on the road. Logan sank back against the seat and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. His lack of sleep was definitely catching up with him.

The noise outside suddenly intensified when the door opened and Reagan dove into the car with her bodyguard in tow.

“I had to bring him with,” Reagan explained. “There was no way he could get me in the limo and then force his way to the other car.”

“It’s fine,” Butch said. “I could probably use some backup.” He lifted the phone receiver and spoke to the driver. “Take us to the venue.”

“I thought we would go back to the bus,” Toni said. “I’d like to rest for a few minutes before the meet and greet. Take a shower. Change clothes. Breathe!”

“The bus will meet us there,” Logan said. “Are you tired?”

“I’ve never been more exhausted.”

“The fun’s just getting started,” Max said. “I can’t even imagine what this meet and greet is going to be like.” He glared at Logan, who was silently praying for a lack of bloodshed between their fans and the protesters.

“Do you think anyone will notice if I skip it?” Dare asked, crossing his arms over his chest and giving off that “go away” vibe he’d perfected years ago.

Hoping to ignore the animosity in the car, Logan wrapped an arm around Toni’s shoulders and tugged her closer. “Why don’t you close your eyes for a moment? I’ve got you.”

“I’m not used to this much excitement,” she said, relaxing against his side, her head against his shoulder. “I’m a reclusive book geek, you know.”

“I read a book once,” Logan said.

“It was called Fast Sluts, Slow Rides,” Steve said.

Toni chuckled. “I think I’ve read that one.”

“Did it have a happy ending?” Steve asked.

“Yeah, the kind you pay extra for at a massage parlor,” Toni said.

All the limo occupants laughed. The tension between the bandmates eased. Logan knew they would forgive him sooner or later. It wasn’t as if he fucked up everyone’s life on purpose. He didn’t mean to cause trouble. Things just sort of happened that way for him.

His guilt diminished, Logan relaxed against Toni and closed his eyes. Something about her excited him and soothed him at the same time. He wondered if she’d stay on tour longer if he refused to be cooperative during his part of the interview. Because one thing was clear. He wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024