Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,19

he pulled away, releasing his suction with a loud smack, she cried out in protest, and then she moaned when he latched on to her other breast.

One hand moved beneath her skirt to touch her knee and she nearly leaped out of her skin. She clamped her legs together, and her eyes flew open.

“Easy,” he murmured.

His mouth on her breast distracted her. Her thighs relaxed. Opened slightly. Logan buried his face between her breasts and then trailed lingering, sucking kisses down her belly. Her fingers clenched in his hair. What was he going to do with her? Would he put his mouth down there? At the thought, a wave of successive spasms gripped her saturated flesh. She cried out again.

“You’re so sensitive,” he murmured to her belly button. “I can’t wait to latch on to your clit. I’m going to suck it until you come so hard you scream.”

Toni’s knees clamped shut again. He was going to do what to her whozit?

“Are you wet? Tell me how wet you are.”

Heart thudding out of control, Toni concentrated on the wetness between her legs. She was so wet her juices had soaked through her panties and dampened her thighs. They even dripped down her ass.

“Very wet,” she said on a rush of air.

“Show me.” His hand slid halfway up the outside of her thigh. “Open your legs and show me. I want to see you cream for me.”

He wanted to see her? Between her legs? The thought definitely had her creaming for him and her heart thudding like a jackhammer.

He lifted her foot off the floor and tugged her boot off. He chuckled when he saw her purple- orange-and-green-striped sock. “Cute,” he said. He grinned up at her. She was so caught off guard by how attractive he was, she decided this must all be some vivid wet dream.

“I collect socks,” she said. She bit her lip, feeling stupid for sharing something so ridiculous. She did have over seven hundred pairs of socks, but he didn’t need to know that or the reasons why. Not now when things were so hot between them.

“You’ll have to show them to me sometime.” He removed her other boot. That sock was red with black and white spots. “Not matching socks, I see.” He chuckled, the deep sound making Toni’s belly quiver.

“I have only two feet,” she said. “I like to wear as much variety as possible. Doesn’t make sense to buy socks and not wear them.” And her little sister had all her mismatched sock mates, but Birdie was the last thing she wanted to dwell upon at that moment.

“Lucky me. I have a place for a third sock.” When he grabbed his engorged cock and stroked it from base to tip, she laughed at the mental image of that glorious appendage swathed in one of her colorful socks.

“Are you laughing at my dick?” He jerked his chin up in challenge.

She shook her head vehemently. “No. I wouldn’t. I just . . . I . . . The thought of it wearing a sock . . .” Her eyes stung as tears threatened to fall. He was going to leave her here alone, wasn’t he?

“You sure you’re into me?”

She rose up from the sofa and wrapped both arms around his neck. How could he possibly think she wasn’t into him? She got sexually excited when he merely looked at her, and she was pretty sure she was having spontaneous orgasms whenever he touched her. “I’m sure.”

“You keep closing your legs to me,” he said.

Just because she was skittish. “I’m sorry. I thought you wanted me to pretend I wasn’t experienced.” She’d tie her thighs wide open if need be.

“Is that really why?”

She nodded, knowing she was a terrible liar and that if she spoke, she’d probably blurt out that she was a virgin and the closest she’d gotten to having sex was at a college party when the guy had been so drunk that he couldn’t get it up. Or maybe it had been like he’d said and he couldn’t get it up because she was too fat and ugly to turn him on.

“I’ll pretend to be patient then,” he said, grabbing her breasts, “when all I really want to do is fuck you hard and fast. I can’t remember the last time I was this turned on.”

“I’ll show you how wet I am for you now,” she said, her belly quivering. Was she really going to show him her panties? She sat back on Copyright 2016 - 2024