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for additional stimulation.

“I can lick every inch of your body.”


“Fuck you until you beg me to stop.”


“Come all over your face.”


“Take your ass nice and slow.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want—”

He grabbed her face harshly. “It doesn’t matter what you want. You’re at my mercy.”

Her heart thudded out of control. He wouldn’t take advantage, would he?

Two fingers slid into her pussy, and he rubbed at her clit with his thumb.

“I’ll give you pleasure when I think you deserve it.” A third finger slid into her ass and she tensed. “And I’ll take whatever I want from you.”


“Your body belongs to me. You’re mine. You can’t deny me anything.”

She couldn’t look away from his intense gaze. “Yes.”

He blinked at her. “Seriously, Toni? You like this kind of manipulative bullshit?”

She flushed and turned her head to break eye contact. “N-not all the time. But sometimes it’s exciting to be at someone else’s mercy. If you trust them not to push you beyond your boundaries. Though one of your fingers happens to be pressing my boundaries right now.”

He wriggled the finger in her ass, and she gasped. “This boundary-pressing finger right here?”

“That’s the one.”

“If this is your thing—”

“Not every time,” she said defensively.

“I’ll do my best to get you off this way. But it makes me feel like a jerk.”

“The more of a jerk you are, the harder I’ll come,” she promised.

He seemed determined to prove her wrong as he fingered her until she almost came and then licked her until she almost came and then fucked her until she was begging to come. He shuddered as he thrust into her deep enough to almost bump his pelvis against her throbbing clit. She’d never get off with him holding back like that. And he had to realize it.

His shuddering intensified and a broken gasp escaped him.

Wait just a goddamned minute here.

“Are you coming?” she asked, completely stunned that he’d do so without taking her along with him.

“Oh yeah. R-r-really h-hard.”


He collapsed on top of her, squashing her into the mattress and breathing heavily into her ear.

“I could get used to putting my needs first,” he said, pulling out and sitting next to her on the edge of the bed.

She was so horny and unfulfilled, she could cry. “Please don’t leave me like this.”

“I’m going to take a shower.”

“Logan, please.”

“Please, what?”

“Please make me come.”

“Maybe later.” He stood from the bed and stretched his arms over his head.

The headboard rattled as she jerked at her bonds. “Bastard,” she hissed.

He leaned over her, his mouth close to her ear. “While you’re lying there with your legs spread wide and your pussy aching and my cum trickling down your ass, I want you to think about all the things you want to do to me when I untie you.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Such as stab you?”

He slid a finger into her cleft, rubbing the sensitive nub of flesh he’d ignored until now. “If you try, I’m sure you’ll come up with something a bit more creative.”

Seconds shy of sending her flying at last, he lifted his finger to his mouth and licked its shiny tip in a way that made her ache. He turned away and headed to the bathroom. The shower kicked on a moment later, and Toni groaned. She hoped that the shower invigorated him, because when he came back and untied her, she was going to fuck him senseless.


Logan stepped up behind Toni and filled his hands with her full breasts. The tips instantly stiffened against his fingertips. “Good morning,” he murmured against her temple. “Did you sleep well?”

“Have you seen my journal?” she asked.

Her first response wasn’t Take me back to bed right now, my irresistible stud? He apparently needed to work on his delivery.

“What journal?” he asked, sliding his hands down the smooth skin of her torso.

He was sure they’d both still be in dreamland if Butch hadn’t started banging on the door before the sun had even risen. The band had an early promotional commitment this morning. Logan had forgotten about it or he probably would have saved Toni’s lessons on incorporating food in sex for another night. But after he’d untied her, she’d retaliated by getting herself off and leaving him so turned on he thought his dick would explode. He’d had to think of some excuse to get them rejoined at the groin, and they both had a love for food.

“The little book I put into my bag yesterday. It’s not there.” She turned her head Copyright 2016 - 2024