Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,16

to apply twice her usual amount for the rest of her assignment.

“Basically, you just need to be yourselves. The book is intended to be a candid look into your lives.”

“Smile!” Logan sang. “You’re on candid camera.”

Toni laughed. “I promise not to play practical jokes on you.” She made the mistake of looking at Logan. He completely shattered her concentration. If she shifted her body a few inches, she could discover firsthand what it felt like to be pressed against that hard chest. More than anything, she wanted to bury her hands in the silky-looking loose curls of his hair and taste his lips.

“It’s going to be hard to be ourselves knowing someone is watching us twenty-four seven,” Max said. His deep voice was like cool satin caressing the back of Toni’s neck. His singing voice was phenomenal and his speaking voice was equally remarkable. It might have been the only sound on the planet that could have broken Logan’s spell over her.

She forced her gaze to Max. He was scowling reflectively.

“Hopefully, after a few days you’ll forget I’m here,” she said.

“Doubtful,” Logan said.

The bus lurched unexpectedly, and the driver cursed at whoever had cut him off. “Learn how to drive, asshole!”

Toni took a step backward to regain her balance and bumped into Logan, who was still standing directly behind her. He grabbed her hips to steady her, but there was nothing steadying about the man’s hands on her hips. Or the progressively hardening cock prodding her in the ass. From the feel of it, his dick really would run those android makers out of materials.

Instead of pulling away, she relaxed against him. He tensed and shifted her hips a fraction of an inch.

“Fuck, woman,” he whispered in her ear. “Don’t encourage me. I’m having a hard enough time trying to convince myself that you’re off limits.”

She was starting to think he really was attracted to her and not just toying with her for his personal amusement.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

“Huh?” Why would he ask her that?

“A big, mean-as-fuck, jealous guy who will break my neck with his bare hands if he knew I touched you?”

Toni shook her head.

“A raging case of herpes?”

“Of course not!”

“You’re not making this any easier on me.”

On him? What about her? She was pretty sure the other band members could hear his whispered questions. They’d definitely heard her blurted reply. She gave herself a shake to clear her thoughts and attempted to ignore the man behind her. Slim chance of that happening.

“I’ll also need to interview each of you,” she said to the rest of the band, who were watching the two of them with expressions ranging from amusement to bewilderment to annoyance.

“Tonight?” Steve asked. “Probably not a good idea. I’m a bit out of it after a show.”

“You’re always out of it,” Logan said.

“Sorry, but I need to crash immediately,” Dare said, stifling a yawn with the back of his hand. “It’s been an exhausting day and we have another full day tomorrow.” He ticked off events on one hand. “Radio interview, sound check, meet and greet, concert, after-party.” He ran out of fingers, so he waved his hands as if looking for extra digits. “And I might need to take a piss in there somewhere.”

“You don’t have time to take a piss, Dare,” Logan said.

“Did Sam forget to schedule piss breaks again? Fuck,” Steve grumbled. “Better start saving our beer bottles. Fair warning, Toni. Never drink out of an open bottle around here.”

“Eww.” She crinkled her nose.

Dare offered Toni a half smile. His piercing green eyes threatened to melt her into a puddle on the floor. This guy’s presence . . . Just wow.

“Why don’t we start the interviews Monday? We’ll have a long boring drive that day followed by two nights in a hotel. We should be more ourselves then.”

“That’s fine with me,” Toni said. “I want you to be comfortable. I intend for this book to reflect what wonderful men you are.”

Logan chuckled. “I think you have us mistaken for some other band.”

She shook her head. “No mistake.”

Toni glanced at the bunks on either side of the corridor. There were only four of them. “So I guess I get to sleep on the couch?”

“Butch sleeps on the couch,” Logan said.

“The floor?” She curled her nose. No telling what kinds of things were on that floor. It looked clean, but bacteria were microscopic. She was certain there were innumerable germs embedded in that low-pile carpet.

“You’ll sleep with me,” Logan said. “You Copyright 2016 - 2024