Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,146

the pile of wadded tissues on the coffee table.

“I stopped.”

“Will you tell me why?”

When she didn’t respond, he closed the lid of her laptop on her hands.

“I’m trying to work,” she said.

“Did I do something wrong?”

She pursed her lips together and shook her head. Alarmed by the tears suddenly flooding her eyes, Logan slid a hand along the top of her back, not sure if he should hug her or what.

“You’re perfectly wonderful to me.” She yanked a tissue out of the nearby box and dabbed at her eyes. “Sorry.”

“Will you please tell me what’s wrong? Are you in pain?”

“Yes and no,” she said. “When that medic tried to force that oxygen mask over my face, I kept seeing my father the day he died. They tried everything to resuscitate him, but that oxygen mask didn’t do him a bit of good. The paramedics didn’t do him a bit of good. I didn’t do him a bit of good.”

“I didn’t realize that’s why you didn’t want assistance.”

“How could you?”

He stroked her hair from her face, and she lifted her head, eyes streaming. When she sucked in her lips to stifle a sob, he scooped her onto his lap and pressed her face into the crook of his neck. He couldn’t stand to see the pain in her expression.

“Thinking about Dad made me really miss my sister. I just needed to hear her cheery voice, so I called home.” She laughed hollowly. “That was a mistake.”

Toni had told him about her little sister’s heart condition and her weak immune system. Was that the real reason she was so upset. “Is your sister okay?”

“She’s fine. I asked my mom if she could drop my spare set of glasses in the mail.”

“Good idea.”

“Not really. She decided she’d deliver them in person. She’ll be at our hotel on Saturday.”

The bottom dropped out of Logan’s stomach. “She’s coming to Denver?”

“And she’s bringing my sister.”

“Oh.” Logan tried to pull his shit together before she caught on to his distress. “I look forward to meeting them.” Sure, having to entertain uninvited guests would cut into the time they’d planned to fuck like maniacs, but he knew Toni’s family meant a lot to her. And he really was curious about them. Even though he normally had a rule about meeting mothers.

“And worse, my editor’s coming too.” Toni’s body trembled uncontrollably until he tightened his embrace and she snuggled closer.

“That bitch Susan?” Maybe he’d have the opportunity to tell her off in person.

Toni nodded. “You know she wants this job for herself,” Toni said. “She doesn’t think I’m capable of doing it properly. And as much goofing off as I’ve been doing thus far, I don’t have much to show her to prove that I’m capable of producing professional results.” Toni sat back on his knees and met his gaze. “Mom says if I can’t demonstrate I’m making good progress on this assignment, Susan will take my place in Denver and I have to go home.”

Like hell!

“You haven’t even been working at it for a week,” Logan said. “I’m sure you have tons of material for the book already.”

“But it’s not organized. At all. I’ve got notes on napkins. And release forms shoved into my messenger bag. Half of my photos are on the video card in my broken camera. My boobs are blocking the periphery of some of my backstage footage.”

“And you have sex sounds on your interview recording.”

She flushed and threw her hands in the air. “Exactly!”

“I’ll help you organize it,” he said. “We’ll put together a presentation that will wow the socks off your mom. And Susan can go to hell.”

“You’ll help me?”

“Of course.”

She beamed at him and wrapped him in an enthusiastic hug. “Thank you!”

He wasn’t sure why her happiness and thankfulness filled him with overwhelming joy. But he wasn’t going to dwell on it, simply enjoy the sensation. Smiling down into her lovely face, he cupped the back of her head and claimed her lips in a deeply satisfying kiss.

When he pulled away, she blinked up at him. “Why are you helping me?” she asked, squinting her eyes at him suspiciously.

“Because I don’t want you to leave.” It was probably the most open and honest thing he’d ever said to her, and she rewarded him with a dazzling smile.

“Oh,” she said. “I thought maybe you were going to use your generosity to coerce me into having anal sex.”

He lifted his brows at her, wondering why he hadn’t thought of that. “Would it have worked?”

“Maybe.” Copyright 2016 - 2024