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said with a giggle, but she hopped out of her chair to kiss the man on the top of his shiny bald head.

The meet and greet that evening was a subdued occasion compared to the one in Oregon. There were no protestors picketing the venue, and the security team had no problem keeping a handle on things. Toni chatted with several fans, noting that whenever the fan happened to be male, Logan mysteriously appeared at her side.

As the food was brought in for their evening meal, Reagan got in line behind Toni. “I haven’t gotten to talk to you all day,” she said. “How did things go with Logan yesterday?”

Toni flushed remembering all the naughty things he’d done to her body in the hotel. She was definitely missing their alone time today and couldn’t wait until their next day off.

“We had a great time,” Toni said.

“He’s treating you right.”

Toni nodded. “He’s the best.”

“Are you still planning on riding up on my platform tonight? I have the cutest outfit you can wear.”

Toni cringed. Not about the outfit, about the platform. “About that . . . Apparently my fat ass broke Logan’s platform last night. They were under the stage trying to fix it earlier.”

“Fat ass? Where?” Reagan slid her hand over Toni’s rump to flatten her skirt. “Please. If your ass is fat, mine is a vat of lard.”

Reagan stuck her butt out to prove that hers was bigger than Toni’s.

“Damn, woman,” Trey said from behind them. “Can I get through one meal without you giving me a hard-on?”

Reagan giggled. “I hope not.”

A pair of strong arms circled Toni’s body from behind. Logan’s hands cupped her breasts and lifted them. “So I heard your enormous tits broke my hydraulic lift last night.”

“Now that I believe,” Reagan said.

Toni flushed as everyone within hearing laughed at her expense. She shoved Logan’s hands from her boobs and turned sideways to discourage him from grabbing them in public.

Logan kissed her briefly. “Thanks for saving my spot.”

“Back of the line, Schmidt!” Steve called from several feet behind them.

Toni grabbed Logan’s arm to make sure he stayed beside her. She felt they hadn’t spent any time together all day and if standing in the chow line was their best opportunity to see each other for a few minutes, so be it.

They did get to sit together through dinner, but Dare chatted with Trey, which meant Reagan talked Toni’s ear off about customers she’d had when she worked as a barista, and Steve told Logan—yet again—about his latest adventure with some twins and a couple of other women named Candice and Tonya. Steve’s mantra of “You missed out, dude!” was starting to play on Toni’s last nerve. Even though she didn’t talk to Logan much through their meal, his knee was pressed against hers beneath the table and he had a wonderful habit of touching her bare wrist whenever their hands weren’t otherwise unoccupied. Strange how after all the intense sexual encounters they’d shared the days before, those little touches meant so much to her.

She was almost finished with her dinner when a strange rumbling seeped through the walls and into her bones. She cocked her head to one side, listening. “What is that? An earthquake?”

“The first opening band is starting the show,” Logan said.

The rumble was greeted by enthusiastic cheers and screams, all muffled by the thick concrete walls of the corridor. “Oh!” she said. “Sinners?” No, that couldn’t be since their rhythm guitarist was still at the table deep in conversation with his brother.

“Sinners is on third tonight. That would be Riott Actt.”

She knew of them. She’d listened to some of their music when she’d been researching Exodus End and found out that they’d be one of the two opening bands on this tour. She’d also done research on Hell’s Crypt, but that band hadn’t lasted long in the lineup.

“Do you ever watch the opening bands?” she asked.

“All the time,” he said with a smile. “I might be a rock star, but I’m still a metal fan. Do you wanna watch from backstage? It’s a perk of the rock star gig; we always have a backstage pass.”

She nodded eagerly. This was a neat little glimpse into Logan the metal fan. Logan the man. It was just the kind of thing she wanted to include in their book, the kind of detail that the fans wanted to see—a peek into Logan’s reality. Toni reached into her pocket to set her camera on record. She’d captured a ton Copyright 2016 - 2024