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bed. “Well, that’s too bad. I was going to allow the sweetie who went to all this trouble to do anything he wanted to my naked body.”

His cock twitched. “Anything?”

“Yep.” She crossed the room and stuck her finger in the whipped cream topping on the shortcake. She sucked it off with the same skill she’d just showed his very appreciative dick. “Anything.”

“Even anal?”

“Any thing. But since it wasn’t you, I guess it doesn’t matter.”

He was torn between owning up to his ridiculous gifts and getting to do anything he wanted to the beautiful woman biting into a juicy strawberry with a look of bliss on her face.

“It was me,” he said. “Well, I asked Butch to have this all brought to our room to surprise you. Apparently, I wasn’t clear that the socks should be unique and colorful.” And now that he knew that her sock collection was a product of many special moments between herself and her little sister, he was actually glad he’d botched that one.

“Thank you. This was all really thoughtful of you.”

He sat up on the bed and rubbed a hand over his face. He actually didn’t feel like a complete idiot for bringing a smile to her face. He actually felt happy that she was pleased.

“So now I can do anything I want to you?” he asked.

“Not anything,” she said.

“Aw, man.” He slapped his thigh.

“You have only yourself to blame. You should have told me the truth from the start.”

“I was embarrassed,” he admitted. “I don’t normally do this kind of thing.” And he wasn’t sure what had compelled him to do it this time.

“It was very sweet of you.”

“Exactly,” he grumbled. He hauled himself off the bed and kicked his jeans off before sitting at the table where she was still picking at her strawberry treat with her fingers.

“New friend?” she asked, nodding toward the sock he still held in his hand. He’d completely forgotten it was there.

“Attack snake!” he shouted and touched her boob with his sock. “Oh no, she’s been bitten. She’s too young to die!”

He wrestled her sweater off over her head and sent her bra flying across the room in his haste to suck out the poison and save her precious life. She was laughing so hard by the time he freed her of her constrictive clothing, she couldn’t catch her breath.

“This snakebite looks all swollen and red,” he said, dipping his fingers in whipped topping. “Better put some salve on it.”

He loved the way she shuddered as he drew his cream-dipped fingertips over her hardened nipple. Her giggles turned to sighs of pleasure as he lowered his head to lick and suckle the tip of her breast.

“Thank you for saving my life, sir,” she murmured, threading her fingers through his hair.

“My pleasure.” He tilted his head back to look up at her. There was a far juicier cream he wanted to sample at the moment. He slid a finger down her belly toward his preferred destination. “Will you shave for me?”

She rubbed her jaw, checking for beard growth. “I shaved just this morning.”

“I’ll even let you use my razor.” She probably had no idea what he was sacrificing by offering his favorite blade. “You’ll find it in the bathroom.” That was where the team that delivered the band’s day-off luggage and set up their hotel suites always put it for him.

“I’ll try it,” she said. “But I’ve never been good with sharp objects. Prepare a tourniquet.”

He chuckled, not sure how he’d apply a tourniquet to her lady parts.

She kissed his forehead and scooted out of the chair to head for the bathroom. “I’ll pretend I’m doing this for you, but I’m really doing it for me.”

He was definitely going to make the effort worth her while. “And will you wear one of the sexy outfits I bought you?”

She came to a halt just outside the bathroom door and turned to stare at the disheveled pieces of lingerie on the bed. “Which one?”

“You choose.”

Would she go for the sweet white lace negligee or the more daring black leather corset? He planned to see what she looked like in each of the pieces by the end of their stay.

She scooped all five of the getups into both arms and carried them toward the bathroom. “I’ll try them on and see which one looks the least terrible on me.”

Least terrible? She was joking, right? “You’ll look hot as hell in all of them, I guarantee it.”

Her self-depreciating smile let him know she Copyright 2016 - 2024