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or get the shit beat out of you for betraying my trust.”

Toni swallowed hard. She wouldn’t betray Reagan’s trust, not because of Reagan’s violent threats—fabricated as they seemed—but because to be counted among the back-stabbing bitches of the world would eat Toni alive from the inside out.

“Trey is my boyfriend,” Reagan said.

Oddly, Toni was relieved that the truth wasn’t any more scandalous than that.

“And he knows that Ethan is my lover,” Reagan continued.

Okay, so maybe it was more scandalous.

“Because Ethan and Trey are lovers too.”

Jaw meet floor.

Reagan let out a deep sigh.

“I don’t know why, but it feels kind of good to tell you that,” Reagan admitted while Toni tried to remember how to blink. “I wish the world was open to polyamorous relationships. It’s becoming more open to homosexual ones, so maybe, given time . . .” Reagan tilted her head at Toni. “Are you going to pass out?”

Toni shook her head and took her first breath in over a minute. Questions began to race through her thoughts.

“So you have sex with Trey. And with Ethan. And they’re both okay with that?” Toni asked. Why was her voice so squeaky? She sounded like a mouse huffing helium.

Reagan laughed and crossed her legs, looking surprisingly at ease. “Well, yeah, since most of the time they’re both there.”

More questions bombarded Toni’s psyche. “And they do each other in front of you?”

Reagan laughed. “If I’m lucky.”

The logistics were completely out of Toni’s grasp. She had a hard enough time figuring out what to do with one cock; she’d have no idea how to keep two satisfied. But even more than the mind-bending sexual positions, Toni was struggling to grasp the emotional connection. If Logan had sex with some other woman—or man—she’d be heartbroken. She didn’t know if she’d ever be able to move past infidelity, no matter how much she loved him. But not everyone had the same ideas of sex and love as she did, and she was okay with that. She didn’t have to participate in a certain lifestyle to accept it. “So you’re in love with Trey and Ethan’s just there as a sex partner?”

“You know, it started out that way,” Reagan said, chewing on the end of her finger thoughtfully. “But nope, we’re all emotionally invested now.”

“That’s wild,” Toni said for lack of anything more poignant to add.

“It just feels natural to us. But the rest of the world doesn’t get it. They might never get it. So that’s why I try to hide it.”

Toni nodded. She didn’t get it, so she was sure plenty of folks out there were unable to grasp the concept. She didn’t hold their unique lifestyle against them—love was love—but she knew there were a lot of people in the world who would hold it against them. And try to destroy what they had. So Toni completely understood why Reagan was keeping the truth about her complicated love life a secret.

“I won’t tell anyone,” Toni said. Though she would like to discuss it with Logan, her sex instructor. Maybe he could explain some of the sexual parts of a polyamorous relationship to her. “Does Logan know?”

“Yeah. All the guys in Sinners know and all the guys in Exodus End know, but no one else.”

“Not even Butch?”

“Of course Butch knows. He helps us hide it more than anyone. But no one else knows. Well, except Myrna and Jessica. Um, and Rebekah Sticks and Jace’s fiancée, Aggie.” Reagan cringed. “And a couple of the security team. Shit. I didn’t realize how many people know about us. It’s kind of scary, you know?”

Toni nodded. She didn’t plan to talk about it in front of anyone—with the exception of Logan—but it was good to know who was privy to the information, just in case something slipped or the trio needed help covering their trail. Toni would do her best to help Reagan keep her secret.

“What does your family think about it?”

Reagan paled. “My family definitely doesn’t know. And I hope they never will. My father would die. And he’d take me with him.”

“He’d probably freak out at first, but I’m sure he just wants you to be happy.”

Reagan shook her head. “Nope. He wants me to be like you when I grow up.”

Toni tilted her head, wondering what she meant by that. “Like me?”

“A sweet and charming good girl.”

Well, that didn’t sound very fun. Toni scowled.

“Who has been irreparably damaged by a very, very bad boy.” Reagan laughed. “Don’t look so glum, sweetie. Same thing happened to Copyright 2016 - 2024