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being serious here.” Which was why he slid his hand to her full breast and gave it an appreciative squeeze. His cock stirred to life, and he shifted her slightly so he could feel her soft ass against his perpetual arousal.

“Obviously,” she said, a hint of laughter in her voice. She squirmed against him, sending unexpected waves of pleasure coursing down his length. “Can you send Steve in? I’m ready for him now.”

“What? You’d better only be ready for me.”

“I’m always ready for you,” she said, “but I have to work. I’m not even sure why you came back here. I told you I didn’t want to see you until it’s your turn.”

“It sounds like you’re letting the guys take turns screwing you,” he grumbled.

“Well, I do want this book to be authentic. That would be the fastest way to get to know all of you.”

Even though he knew she was teasing, his heart shuddered with a painful lurch.

“Don’t even joke about that, Toni.”

“You don’t think a chapter on what it’s like to sleep with each member of the band would make the book an instant best-seller?”

“Probably, but I don’t give a fuck about the success of the book.”

She turned to sit sideways across his lap and buried a hand in his hair. She stared into his eyes until his throat tightened with emotion. “You can trust me, Logan. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.” He was such a fucking liar. “I wouldn’t want them to taint your sweet, clean pussy. It’s mine.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Oh, really?”


“I guess I’ll just have to blow them instead.” She shrugged and slid from his lap. “Go get Steve for me,” she said, and then she opened her mouth wide, stretching her jaw.

Twinges of anger made his hands clench. “You’re not blowing anyone but me.”

“What do you care?” she spat. “I’m just your friend, right?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“And all you really care about is that you’re the first guy to stick his dick in me.”

It wasn’t true—not even close to true. He cared so much about her that it scared the shit out of him. Which was why instead of telling her how he really felt, he stood from the sofa and crossed the room. He slid the door open and called into the corridor, “Hey, Steve. Toni’s ready to give you your blow job now.”

“Take it easy on her,” Max said with a wink. “Her throat’s probably still sore after the one she gave me.”

Logan glared at him, annoyed that his attempts to get a rise out of Toni had backfired. At that moment, he hated every asshole in his band.

with Steve Aimes

“I was promised a blow job,” Steve said as he plopped down on the sectional and spun to lie on his back, his bare feet on the cushion and his fingers at the waistband of his jeans.

“Knock it off,” Toni said, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

“So you’ll suck Max’s d—”

“I didn’t suck Max’s anything,” she insisted.

“That’s not the story he’s telling.”

“Yeah, well, he’s lying.”

“You could try playing along,” Steve said, his grin appearing upside down to her. “We just like fucking with Logan’s head, you know. I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“I’m not insulted,” Toni said. Well, maybe she had been, but she wasn’t telling him how easily rattled she was. It was bad enough that Logan realized it. “I’m just trying to be professional for this interview.”

“Is the tape rolling?” Steve asked, eyeing her recording device on the coffee table.


“Oh. Well, start asking your questions, then. I promise to keep my dick in my pants for the duration of the interview.”

She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. He didn’t really think she was giving out blow jobs during the interviews, did he? “Uh, thanks?”

Toni was determined to stick to her script this time. Even though her scribbled note about Steve’s second ex-wife kept drawing her attention as if it were flashing in neon lights. Despite her interest in tales that had no business in the band’s interactive biography, she started with the first question.

“If you could spend a day with any musician—living or dead—who would it be and why?”

“Zach Mercer.”

“Weren’t you with him yesterday?”

“Yep. And I’d be hanging out with him today too if I didn’t have to be here for this interview.”

He didn’t sound pissed or annoyed—just stating a fact—but Toni had to dig. She couldn’t help herself.

“Are you two really close?”

Steve tilted his head back on the sofa cushion so he could Copyright 2016 - 2024