Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,77

Before him. It hadn’t been like that for Adrian and me. Our relationship was more sexual than anything. Not once in the eight months we’d dated had he ever held my hand. I wasn’t sure he’d even bought my drinks when we went out; instead, we’d kept that part of the relationship on a friends level.

When Jake flipped on the signal to turn onto North Lamar, I looked around, frowning. We’d practically been in this spot to begin with; however, guessing would be nearly impossible.

I managed to keep my mouth shut as we waited at the red light, and again when he made the turn. It wasn’t until he pulled into the parking lot of Book People, an independent bookstore, that I looked over at him, laughing.

“Your favorite place is a bookstore?” It didn’t escape my notice that this was an independent book store and not one of the chain places that had taken over. It appealed to me greatly that he was supporting places like this. As an independent artist, I felt it was important to know that we could still depend on places such as this to keep pushing for us, unlike the megastores who dealt solely based on volume.

“It is,” he said. “Come on.”

He climbed out and met me at my door, closing it once I stepped out of the way. I didn’t balk when he took my hand again and led me across the parking lot and into the front doors.

The place was huge and as soon as I stepped inside, I could see why he liked it here. There was something about a brick-and-mortar bookstore that could never be replaced, and this one still felt uniquely Austin. Sort of like the library, only better, in my opinion.

We maneuvered through the doors, and the first thing I noticed was a table set up with new releases, then right behind that, there was a table dedicated to Jake’s books.

I chuckled, picking up a hardcover copy of Forbidden. “Is this why you like this place so much? Because they love you here?”

He was still smiling, but I noticed his eyes were slowly scanning the people around us. I knew then that he didn’t want the people to recognize him.

“You should wear a ball cap and sunglasses,” I told him, trying to keep my voice down. “That way people don’t recognize you.”

“Most people don’t,” he told me.


Jake nodded. “Who’s your favorite author?” he asked.

That was a good question. I really didn’t know. I’d read a handful of books over the last few years, but I wasn’t sure I had a favorite.

“Okay, fine,” he said when I didn’t answer. “If you saw the author of the last book you read, would you recognize them?”

I reluctantly set the book back down, then moved closer, feeling bold. I peered up at him and wrapped my arms around his waist until we were practically flattened against one another. “I would. He’s this hot guy who writes incredibly sexy stories.”

He scowled at me, but I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

“And no, if the author of the last book I read wasn’t you, I can’t say that I would recognize them if I saw them.”

“My point exactly.” Jake’s arms wrapped around me as he continued to stare down at me. “Now, come on. I’ll show you why I like this place so much.”

How could I say no to that?

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I couldn’t lie; I loved this place.

Even more so now that Presley was here with me.

“What is it about this place?” Presley questioned, picking things up and setting them down as we moved through the store.

“From the time I was a kid, I’ve been in awe of books. I’ve spent my fair share of time in public libraries over the years, but I found I was more fond of bookstores.”

“So why a bookstore and not the library?” Presley asked.

“I think that it has to do with the fact that I can get my hands on a brand-new book, one that no one has ever touched before, and it’ll belong only to me.”

“Makes sense.”

I continued. “As I got older and decided that one day I wanted to be a published author, I hoped to see one of my books in stores.”

“What was that like?” She stopped and turned to face me. “Seeing them for the first time?”

I still remembered the first time I had. “I was so caught up in the moment I ended up knocking the entire display over right here in this Copyright 2016 - 2024