Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,55

stood there for a moment, staring. I was lost in the sexual tension that was radiating between us, doing my best to ignore it. I honestly hadn’t expected to see him again, especially not like this.

And then Blaze’s words of wisdom popped into my head again: Honey, you need to get laid. You know, by some outrageously hot guy who’s gonna pin you against the wall and make you beg for mercy.

Oddly enough, there was an outrageously hot guy standing less than a foot from me, and the thought of sex with him had my body overheating.

“So, do you come here often?” he asked, his sexy smile returning.

“Hey, that’s my cheesy line. Get your own material, Chapter One.”

His grin widened and I couldn’t look away. He truly was one of the most attractive men I’d ever met. Although I knew there were women everywhere lusting after him, I got the sense that he was definitely a private person.

Didn’t mean he didn’t have other flaws.

Jake moved closer and I took one step back, coming into contact with the wall.

I nearly swallowed my tongue when he leaned down, his warm breath grazing my cheek. His next words had my knees going week.

“I want to kiss you, Presley. So fucking bad.”

Oh, Lord.

“I’ve spent hours thinking about you,” he said. “About what you’d taste like.”

Although his words should’ve come across as tactless, they weren’t. Not to me, anyway. Perhaps it was the way he said them, or the fact that Jake didn’t touch me, other than his lips brushing the shell of my ear ever so lightly.

I swallowed hard.

“I want to see you again, Presley,” he whispered, his hand resting on the wall to the right of my head as he pulled back and peered down at me. “Without so many people around.”

Unable to resist, I looked into those beautiful blue-green eyes, but couldn’t find my voice.

“What’s up?” Gavin’s gruff words interrupted our moment. “Thought maybe you’d left.”

I snapped out of it, looking at Gavin, who was eyeing me and Jake skeptically, then over to Adrian, who was standing beside his brother, eyes narrowed on me.

“Not yet,” I said, forcing a smile.

“Hey, dude,” Adrian said to Gavin, elbowing him, “see that chick over there?”

Gavin’s attention turned to whatever chick Adrian was referring to. “Which one?”

I looked up at Jake to see he was still staring at me. The way his eyes smoldered made my body heat significantly. For a fraction of a second, I was seriously considering taking him back to my place and getting naked and horizontal.

Adrian’s voice interrupted my wayward thoughts. “Think she’d be game for a double team?”

I frowned, then looked away from Jake.


The last thing I wanted to think about was Gavin and Adrian banging that chick—or any chick, for that matter—together.

“I think I’m gonna head out,” I told them, suddenly needing some air.

Gavin frowned at me. “You sure?”

Jake didn’t say a word.

“Yeah. I’m tired.” It wasn’t a lie. I was tired.

Secretly, I wanted to get back to reading. Although I knew I should’ve been putting distance between myself and Jacob, I had taken to reading his books, and I was currently halfway through Forbidden. And yes, perhaps I was a statistic, but I’d found myself caught up in the sexiness of it all.

What surprised me most was that I was looking forward to the happy ever after. My life didn’t resemble his stories, but they allowed me to escape reality for a while. At this point, I needed that more than anything.

“Want me to walk you?” Gavin offered.

“Nah. I’ll catch a cab. But thanks anyway.” I forced myself to look at Adrian. “Good to see you.”

“Yeah, you, too.” For a brief moment, I saw what appeared to be remorse in his navy-blue eyes.

I shrugged it off. As far as I was concerned, Adrian had missed the boat on being a stand-up guy a year ago when he let me take the fall for him being a creep. Not that I’d run it past him before I’d lied to Gavin about why I’d broken up with him, but still. He could’ve copped to it himself.

Only that would’ve been bad for everyone. Especially Gavin, who hadn’t been keen on the idea of me dating Adrian from the beginning. He hadn’t wanted me to get hurt, and though I’d told him that wasn’t possible, I’d learned that had been a lie, as well. Adrian had hurt me.

I turned to Jake. “Thanks for the beer.”

He nodded, still not saying anything.

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