Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,38

I downloaded his most recent book and began to read. Reading had always helped me to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, I learned a few minutes into the story, when it came to Jacob Wild, chapter one wasn’t nearly enough.

Two hours later, I was sitting up in my bed, blankets kicked to the end as I once again stared at the small screen, consuming word after word, lost in the drama. I still couldn’t believe that a guy I’d met in a coffee shop had written this.

It was good.

Okay, better than good.

In fact, it was so good that I’d paused long enough to grab my sketchbook so I could draw. Nothing major, just a woman’s face and hair. I’d detailed the eyes and the lips, all based on the way Jacob Wild had described them. I’d seen the image so clearly in my mind while I’d been reading, it would’ve been impossible not to stop and draw her.

But I’d finished that sketch and was once again caught up in the characters, wishing like hell I could be the woman who was being ravished by the handsome stud.

Luckily, Gil and his porn star wannabe girlfriend were fast asleep so I didn’t have to listen to them going at it anymore. What wasn’t good was that it was almost five o’clock in the morning and I hadn’t been to sleep yet.

Not that I had anything to do today. I could easily sleep it all away if I wanted to.


I looked at the clock again.

Five o’clock.

That meant the coffee shop was opening. Maybe if I went down there to read, I’d find some inspiration and could draw something else. And maybe, if I was really lucky, the author of last night’s inspiration might just show up.

Not that I was holding my breath or anything.

Chapter Eighteen


I couldn’t help but think about what could possibly be going through Kora’s head when she was walking into that restaurant. I wasn’t sure I’d ever experienced something like that, though I was sure many people had.

With my pen to the paper, I turned the tables on Kora, and put myself in her head—instead of her in mine.

From the minute moment she stepped through the doors of the banquet room that had been reserved for the baby shower, Kora had wondered how she hadn’t gone up in flames. She could feel the stares, hear the whispers, as everyone watched her as though she were a dangerous animal that needed to be caged.

Little did they know, but she wasn’t a danger to anyone tonight. Except maybe herself.

I stared at the page, practically feeling Kora’s resolve radiating from her. She could do this. She would do this.

Taking a deep breath, Kora made sure her shoulders were squared and her chin was up. She would not let these assholes get to her.

The first thing she did was order a drink, then, when the waitress delivered, she ordered another so she would have a backup when needed. Which turned out to be a good thing because she’d drained the first one in three gulps.

Alcohol would definitely make it easier for Kora, but I needed to remember what decisions she would be making. Whether or not her inebriated state, or lack thereof, was essential to the direction they were headed. If she was too intoxicated, would a guy like Donovan go after her?

I guess that depended on what baser instincts she brought out in him.

I continued writing.

Now, half an hour in, Kora was on her third with a fourth on the way. Probably wouldn’t have been a major issue, except she was drinking vodka and 7Up—doubles, light on the 7Up.

“You’re hittin’ it hard tonight.”

The deep baritone came from her left, and Kora turned her head to see a handsome stranger leaning against the wall, a glass tumbler tilted to his lips. It was possible she recognized him, but most of the people at the shower were friends and family of the parents-to-be, so that wasn’t surprising. She just couldn’t place him.

Was the alcohol obscuring her thoughts?

I knew that they hadn’t met, but how that played out, I wasn’t so sure. If she’d been dating Donovan’s brother for two years, how was it that she hadn’t crossed paths with this guy at least once? Like, at holidays? I’d have to think on that.

“That was always the plan,” she told him honestly.

“You know the expectant couple?” he questioned, though it sounded as though he already knew the answer to that.

Apparently brushing him off wasn’t going to work. When she Copyright 2016 - 2024