Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,33

because I was that far into Kora’s head but because, as a guy, shoes were important. Those fuck-me heels that women favored… Oh, yeah. Definitely what Kora was wearing.

It would be so easy to hop back in her car, pull out of the lot, and never look back, but unfortunately, she had to go in. Everyone would think she was the devil incarnate if she didn’t. Since she was already twenty minutes half an hour late, she was sure they’d come up with a dozen million reasons as to why, none of which would paint her in a decent flattering light. After all, her family and friends already believed she’d been the one to break up with poor Sam, the one who had all but pushed him into her sister’s arms.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

My thoughts immediately veered to a story Gavin had once told me. We’d been at the Lizard Lounge, drinking beer and chilling. Or maybe we’d been drinking something stronger. I couldn’t remember. And it didn’t matter.

Anyway, Gavin had told me about the one time he’d interfered in one of his friends’ relationships, setting it up so the friend realized what a prick her boyfriend was. But Gavin had been surprised because the friend had taken responsibility for the breakup, though Gavin had been certain they’d broken up because she’d caught the guy cheating. At the time, I hadn’t thought anything of it, but I liked the idea, liked the underlying premise.

No, she wasn’t at fault, but for some godforsaken reason, Kora had taken the wrath of her family and friends, allowed them to believe the lie because it had been easier than the truth. In their eyes, she was the one who couldn’t be tamed. Wild and unruly uncontrollable was how most people described her. Oh, and unfaithful. That one had been added to the list, though Kora had never cheated. Not on a test, and certainly not on the only man she’d ever been in a relationship with.

What other things did people cheat on? I made a side note to look. Surely I could come up with one more thing to enhance the story.

No matter what she did, she couldn’t outrun her past, couldn’t get away from the mistakes she’d made as a teenager reputation she’d been given somehow earned, and now, it seemed she was being punished all the more.

What she wouldn’t give to have a white knight handsome prince and a fairy godmother, someone to swoop in and offer a distraction because this … walking into the baby shower and facing the disappointment of her past … this was going to be a fucking nightmare.

Yes, I definitely liked this character. She had balls. She was smart, and though she’d been dealt a shitty hand, she was strong enough to overcome.

I stared down at the page, and the name of my hero popped into my head. I would have to add it to the list of characters I kept on a spreadsheet so I would be sure not to use it again. But I would again have to do that later.

Right now, I had words that needed to be written.

Donovan Brashwood never thought he’d see the day he was attending a baby shower. Willingly. But it appeared that day had come.

Wait. How old was this guy? I preferred my characters be in their thirties mostly. A little older to give them some life experience. Maybe he was thirty? Thirty-two? How old was Kora?

A million thoughts ran through my head, so I put the pen in the book and went over to the whiteboard, picking up the black marker. I stared at the words scrawled across the board. I had outlined Kora some. Wispy blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. And I knew I wanted her to be tall. One of those women who drew your eye when she walked into the room, the kind who commanded attention without realizing. Okay. So she was five six. Not too tall.

That meant I could make Donovan over six feet. Maybe six two?

I glanced at the list of his traits. Black hair, emerald-green eyes, clean cut, wore expensive suits. Definitely the kind of guy who would look at home anywhere. Even if he didn’t want to be there, he could command the room.

Dropping the marker, I went back to the desk, picked up my pen, and continued.

Weren’t these things supposed to be for women? Since when had it become appropriate to wrangle the men into them Copyright 2016 - 2024