Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,154

would be weak when it came to him. After only an hour in his company, she was craving him in a way she’d never experienced before.

She definitely needed to get her shit together. Her emotions were out of whack, and she knew he somehow played a role in that, even if he didn’t realize it.

She glanced back at her phone, tempted to call him back and give him some lame excuse. Only he’d used Sam’s phone to call her, and she definitely wasn’t going to risk having to talk to that asshole, so it looked as though she was shit out of luck.

Fine. She would get dressed, but she definitely wasn’t putting on makeup. Feeling remotely better, she stomped toward her closet. Maybe she should find something that would cover her from head to toe. That wouldn’t be all that appealing, right?

Since she’d spent the past two years in a relationship with Sam, Kora had grown accustomed to not caring what she looked like. In the beginning, their relationship had been all sparks and flames, and she’d spent more than her fair share of time trying to make herself look good for the man, but that had fizzled out after only three months.

“Look where that got you,” she said as she opened her closet door.

She’d tried to tell herself that was the way relationships worked, only she knew deep down that wasn’t the case. Sam had never fanned the flames hot enough to ensure they wouldn’t burn out. Nor had she, so she couldn’t put all the blame on him. Maybe she had known all along that Sam wasn’t the right guy for her. It made sense in a warped sort of way. She had certainly never felt the sort of heat she’d felt with Donovan.

When it came to Donovan, there was a banked fire deep inside her, one that he could stoke to a conflagration with a simple look. The proof was in the fact that she’d fucked him in a storage room after knowing him for only five minutes. However, she didn’t have any regrets and that worried her.

Was she losing her mind? Or was Donovan just that good?

For some reason, she didn’t think that flame would be all that easy to blow out, even if things progressed between them.

Only they wouldn’t.

This was the end of the line for them. There was no other option.

After grabbing panties and a bra out of her drawer and yanking them on, Kora snagged a long-sleeved button-up shirt from her closet, a pair of leggings, and dressed in minutes. She ran a comb through her hair, brushed her teeth, and stared at herself in the mirror for longer than was necessary.

She looked tired.

Then again, she was.

Today, though she thought she’d done a damn good job of hiding it, had been emotionally draining. Being at the baby shower, watching Trina and Sam as they greeted their friends and family, celebrating the life they were bringing into the world, Kora had felt the ache of loneliness and resentment settle in her gut.

She didn’t hate her sister, wasn’t sure she ever could, but she didn’t particularly like her. As for Sam the Prick—oh, she hated him, all right. With a passion. The mere thought of him pissed her off.

A knock sounded on her door, pulling her from her thoughts.

She slowly crossed the living room, then stepped into the foyer. Although she knew who was there, she still checked the security hole, using that as more of a stalling tactic than anything else.

Her hand shook as she turned the knob and opened the door, her eyes slamming into the sexy man darkening her doorstep.

The first thing she noticed about Donovan was that he’d changed. Gone was the suit, and in its place a forest-green Henley that made his eyes glow, along with a pair of dark, well-worn jeans, boots, and a black Stetson. He’d gone from executive to cowboy in a matter of minutes.

“You can take the boy out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the boy,” she muttered, taking a step back.

“You don’t know how true that is,” Donovan said, his eyes slowly raking over her as he stepped inside.

Kora closed the door, took a deep breath, and prayed like hell she would not do something stupid. Like take this sexy man to bed.

Because, heaven help her, she already wanted to, and he hadn’t been there ten seconds.

FROM THE MOMENT THE door opened and those wary gray eyes stared back at him, Copyright 2016 - 2024