Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,150

how good he could make her feel.

“Need more, Donovan.”

He knew when to give in and now was that time. It was inevitable. It felt too good and the last thing he needed was to come before she did. Widening his stance and lifting Kora’s leg higher, he opened her wider as he glided his dick into her silky warmth once more. Without fail, his hips began a rhythm of their own, faster, harder, deeper.

Donovan fucked her, his mind numb from the pleasure, his body soaring as Kora’s nails bit into his shoulders, her breathy moans filling his ears.

“Oh, God.” Kora gasped. “Donovan, oh, fuck. I’m … gonna…”

“That’s it, baby,” he said, pounding into her, harder, deeper. “Come for me, Kora. Come all over my cock.”

When her face contorted, Donovan slammed his mouth over hers, stealing her cry as her body convulsed, her pussy clamping down on him hard, drawing his release from him. He managed to stifle his own roar as he kissed her, a furious mating of tongues and teeth that didn’t hold a candle to the ecstasy that her body had wrought from him.

And before his heart rate had resumed a normal pace, before his lungs were replenished with oxygen, Donovan knew…

Once definitely wasn’t enough.


COMPLETELY DEPLETED, KORA MANAGED to get her legs beneath her once again, her breathing finally returning to normal as Donovan removed the condom, tossing it in a trash bin in the corner before fixing her clothes for her. Apparently her body was too weak to listen to commands from her brain or she would’ve done it herself.

“Was that really as good as I think it was?” she asked, not considering what she was saying before the words were out there, unable to be taken back.

She expected a cocky response, but when Donovan spoke, he sounded as stupefied as she felt.

“Definitely,” Donovan agreed.

Opening her eyes, Kora met his intense gaze.

This was awkward.

She’d never done the deed in a storage closet with a guy she didn’t know, a guy she’d likely never see again, so she wasn’t sure what the rules were. Did she thank him for the orgasm? Did she simply turn and walk away? Was she expected to make small talk? Offer her phone number?

God, it was all too confusing.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know how it worked, so she stood there, staring at him.

“We should get back to the party,” he finally said.

Well, there you have it. She was supposed to pretend it never happened, which she could do.


Nodding, she said, “Yes, we should.”

“You ready?” he asked.

Her legs still felt like limp noodles, but she managed to shore up her resolve, garner her strength, and push off the wall, brushing her hands over her hair as she did. When Donovan opened the door, Kora peeked out, and when she noticed the coast was clear, she stepped into the hall.

“Thanks,” she said, looking back at him over her shoulder before she hurried into the ladies’ restroom, leaving him staring after her.

One look in the mirror told her she looked well and truly fucked. In a good way, but fucked nonetheless.

Her hair was a tangled mess, her mascara smeared, her lip gloss nonexistent. Knowing she couldn’t go back to the baby shower looking like this, Kora tried to reassemble herself as best she could. After a few minutes, she realized it wasn’t working.

There was no way she could walk back into that banquet room. It was bad enough her family and friends already thought she was a slut. This would only give them more reason to think that.

Was she? Did screwing some guy in a closet at her sister’s baby shower qualify her for slut-dom? He was, after all, her ex-boyfriend’s brother. Did that make it worse?

Not to mention, how was she supposed to face Donovan? Or Sam? That would make awkward seem like … well, something not nearly as bad as that.

What would she say to Sam? Or would she say anything at all?

“Damn it.”

As far as she was concerned, there was only one thing to do.

So, once again straightening her spine, Kora plastered on a smile and … made a beeline for her car.

DONOVAN KNEW KORA WAS gone. He’d known she would disappear as soon as they’d stepped out into the hallway. Her brief “thanks” had seemed inept, but he hadn’t known what to do or say. He got the distinct feeling that Kora had never done that before.

Had she been anyone else, that might have bothered him. Instead, Donovan felt the need to protect Copyright 2016 - 2024