Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,146

way, anyway—he knew that already. But she was looking at him as though she wanted to devour him, and he couldn’t bring himself to care. If she was game, so was he.

Her voice was a soft murmur when she said, “If you’re gonna ask me to meet you in the bathroom in three minutes so you can blow my mind with what you’re packing”—her eyes dropped down to his fly, then back up—“then ask already.”

Holy fucking hell. That hadn’t been what he’d expected her to say, but Donovan would have to admit he was tempted. So fucking tempted.

Keeping his eyes locked with hers, Donovan smiled. “You think you can handle me?” Leaning in so that his mouth brushed her ear, he added, “Because what you’re asking for, Legs, will likely take awhile. Once my cock is buried inside you, I get the feeling I won’t be able to stop.”

Her sharp inhale made his cock thicken, his body hardening as he waited for her to answer him.

“I think I can handle it,” she whispered, sounding more self-assured than he’d expected. “The question is … can you handle me?”

Donovan didn’t know the answer to that question, but in three minutes, he was damn sure going to find out.


KORA WASN’T SURE WHAT had gotten into her when she’d made Donovan that offer, but it’d seemed like the thing to do at the time. And when Donovan made his counteroffer, Kora knew she couldn’t resist. Hell, she didn’t even want to. What better way to put Sam in his place than to sneak off with the man he considered to be untouchable? His own brother.

The irony definitely was not lost on her.

Not to mention, this guy revved her engine unlike any man she’d ever met. Admittedly, it had been a while. Eight months? Not since Sam. Since before she’d found out the fucker was screwing her sister. At that point, she hadn’t wanted to touch a man, or be touched by one, either.

The thought still made her queasy.

But the alcohol was helping, dulling her senses and giving her a false sense of valor. Liquid courage and all that. Normally, she wouldn’t be quite this forward. Hell, if Donovan actually knew that she’d only been with one man in her entire life, which was unfortunately Sam—and wasn’t that fucking sad—he’d probably hightail it out of the baby shower without looking back.

He wasn’t going to find out, though. Not from her. And since all these people had already labeled her a cheating, conniving whore—that’s just what she’d heard from her own family—Kora didn’t really give a fuck.

“Three minutes,” Kora told Donovan now, watching to see if he would refuse her.

He didn’t.

Setting her empty glass on a table, she made her way out of the banquet room, down the narrow hall that led to the restrooms. Once inside, she took a moment to scrutinize herself in the mirror.

Yep, she looked a little intoxicated. Her gray eyes were wide and glassy, her blonde hair a little on the stringy side, although she’d spent half an hour straightening it that morning. Her skin was a little pale, her bottom lip a little puffy, probably because she’d been biting it. She did that when she was nervous.

The door opened, and Kora sucked in a breath, expecting to come face-to-face with the sexy man who was supposed to rock her world. Unfortunately, Donovan wasn’t the one to step inside. No, this was … Trina.

Trying not to look angry, Kora met her sister’s blue gaze.

“Oh, hey,” Trina said, acting as though she was surprised to see her.

“Hey,” Kora mumbled beneath her breath, turning her attention back to the mirror.

“I’m glad you could make it,” Trina told her.

“Mom told me I had to be here,” she said honestly. If she hadn’t, Kora knew for a fact that she wouldn’t have come. Trina glared at Kora’s reflection, and Kora turned to face her head on. “What?”

“You know, it wouldn’t kill you to be happy for me and Sam.”

“Happy?” Kora snorted. “You’re pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby.”

“Ex. He’s not yours anymore, Kora.” Trina’s voice grew shrill. “He’s mine.”

“Oh, how could I forget?” Kora was desperately trying to keep her voice down, but it wasn’t easy. This was the same conversation they’d had for months, ever since Trina and Sam had confronted her, letting her know that they would be spending the rest of their lives together.

Trina hadn’t looked at all ashamed of what she’d done. Not then and certainly not now.

“I’m happy for you,” Kora Copyright 2016 - 2024