Inked on Paper - Nicole Edwards Page 0,11

want to expect it. I didn’t want to come home to find naked women making out, either.

“Gil!” I shouted, wanting him to hear me over the music, gearing up to give him a piece of my mind.

Gavin’s hand landed on my arm. “Give him a break, Pres.”

I frowned at him, noting his sympathetic tone. “What are you talking about?”

“He just found out his girlfriend’s been screwing some dude on the side.”

Confused, I continued to stare at Gavin. “He doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

“Oh. My bad.” Gavin offered up that smile that made most women drop to their knees.

I was not one of those women.

I was immune to both of these men. Always had been. Always would be.

However, based on the way Blondie was feeling Gavin up right there in front of me, I was pretty sure she was going to be next to board that ship.

“Oh, and that guy over there,” Gavin said, pointing toward the the corner, “That’s Jake. He’s our neighbor.”

Slowly pivoting, I peered around the wall that was obscuring my view of the entire room until my eyes landed on the man I hadn’t even noticed sitting in the corner. His face was hidden by a baseball cap, and he wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to me. Then again, why would he? I had clothes on and there was a live porno taking place only a few feet in front of him.

Surprisingly, there were no women in his lap or kneeling in front of him, and he was dressed, from what I could tell. Still didn’t explain why he had his ass planted in my chair, just that maybe he had a little more common sense than Gil or Gavin.

“Why’s he here?” I asked, moving back and glancing at Gavin. It was then I realized Gavin couldn’t answer me because Blondie’s tongue was down his throat.


Knowing I could throw as much of a tantrum as I wanted but it wouldn’t change anything tonight, I gave up after turning down the music. It was the least they could do, even if we obviously weren’t disturbing our neighbor because he’d made himself at home in my chair.

Grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator, I glanced into the living room one more time only to notice that one of the naked chicks was now licking the other like a lollipop while the three guys sat back and watched the spectacle.

“Ugghh.” With my bottle of water in hand, I went straight for my bedroom, closing and locking the door behind me.

Pulling the hood off my head, I then yanked my sweatshirt off, tossing it in the direction of the clothes hamper. Taking my bottle of water with me, I went to the bathroom, then closed and locked that door as well.

I was not taking any chances.

It wasn’t that I thought Gavin or Gil would come in. They knew better. But the others… Who knew what they were capable of? I’d only made that mistake once and I’d found myself being hit on by an overly friendly redhead who’d misplaced her clothes—or so she’d said.

I was not going to make the same mistake twice.

A few minutes later, I was relaxing in the huge tub, bubbles up to my neck, a single candle sitting on the ledge. I could still hear the music, could feel the pulse from the bass through the floor, but I managed to ignore it. I’d had a shit day, and the only thing I wanted to do now was block everything out for a little while, then curl up in my bed and sleep for the duration.

Maybe tomorrow would be better.

A girl could only hope.

Chapter Five


Saturday morning

My head was throbbing and I couldn’t recall half of what had happened last night.

I remembered hearing a noise in the hall, then opening the door to find my new neighbor—one of them, anyway—talking to a group of women. Well, feeling them up was a more apt description. I’d been momentarily distracted when one of the girls pulled off her shirt, and I possibly had made a sound, which I could only assume was when the neighbor had noticed me, resulting in an invitation to come over for a beer.

One look at those chicks and I’d figured what the hell.

Not long after I’d gone over there, Gil’s roommate Gavin arrived. It was a crazy coincidence that I knew Gavin, so I’d decided to stick around for a while. The next thing I knew, I was camped out in a dark Copyright 2016 - 2024