Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,8

and grabbed the design she had drawn up. “You think you can recreate this here?” She turned her side toward him and lifted her shirt over her belly button, explaining to him that she wanted the tattoo on her side and back. Her words faded as she saw the way he held the paper and looked at her. His knuckles were white from how tightly he clenched her design in his hand, and the hardness on his face matched the rest of his body.

Slowly lowering her gaze down the length of his body, she saw the bulge that pressed against the fly of his jeans.

Holy shit. Am I seeing that right?

She lifted her gaze up once more until she was looking in his eyes. But just as quickly as she had seen the heat in his expression, it was gone, and she felt this cold draft come from him. Letting her shirt fall back into place, she ran her tongue along her bottom lip and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Either Cadeon wanted her, or she was really losing it.

He cleared his throat and looked down at her design. “This shouldn’t be a problem. Let me sketch something out.” He looked back up at her but then just as quickly averted his eyes and pointed to one of the chairs in the waiting area. “Have a seat and I’ll only be a minute.” Then he was striding away from her and disappearing into a back room.

Stella walked over to a chair and sat down, and although she grabbed a magazine and tried to look through it, she couldn’t stop her body’s reaction to the fact that Cadeon had most definitely been acting like he wanted her. That bulge he sported couldn’t be construed as anything but arousal, and seeing as she was the only one here with him, well, logic told her that had been for her.

But clearly that arousal had pissed him off, because his whole attitude had turned slightly frosty, and he had refused to look at her. Well, this should be an interesting few hours.


Cadeon sat at his worktable and forced himself to focus on the sketch before him. It was near impossible with the hard-on he was sporting and the fact that he wanted Stella so fucking bad that his blood was pumping hard and fast through his veins. She was just a few feet from him and only separated by a thin wall.

He could even smell her still, and that fresh, flowery aroma seemed to surround him. Closing his eyes, the scent of lavender filled his head, made him feel dizzy and intoxicated, and he found himself gripping onto the edge of the table with enough force his knuckles cracked.

When she had lifted her shirt to show him where she wanted her ink, all he had seen was lush curves and smooth, creamy skin. It had only taken that strip of flesh that she revealed for his cock to spring to action and all intelligence to leave him. But he snapped out of that when he realized she was looking at his dick and could clearly see the bastard pressing against his jeans. Was he embarrassed that she had seen how hard she made him?


What did make him feel like an idiot was how he reacted after the fact. He had taken the coward’s way out and had gotten the fuck out of her presence. Yeah, he did need to sketch out her tattoo, but that hadn’t been the only reason he had gotten the fuck away from her. And now here he was sitting alone in the back room with his dick digging into his zipper.

All he could focus on was clearing the drafting table, throwing Stella on top of it, and filling her up with his dick until she screamed out for more.

He leaned back and stared at the design in front of him. He had been back here for the last ten minutes, and although he could’ve just had her back here with him so she wasn’t alone, he needed to be by himself and get his shit together. Cadeon took several deep breaths and told himself over and over again that she wasn’t for him. Age wasn’t the issue, even though he was nearly two decades older than her.

But age was just a number, and at forty, Cadeon knew what he wanted in life, and what he wanted was a twenty-three-year-old woman who was totally off-limits to him. Her family connections meant Copyright 2016 - 2024