Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,5

he didn’t feel the need to throw her over the counter, or worse yet, fuck her on his tattoo chair. Cadeon pressed his open palm to the front of his jeans, right over his cock, and gritted his teeth.

Yeah, he had blue balls from hell whenever he was around Stella, but there was no way to prevent that unless he just stayed away. But that was one hard fucking task, seeing as he gave the club their ink, and she was always there.

“Get your shit under control or you’re going to make shit a whole lot worse for yourself.” Dammit, now he was talking to himself. There was a knock on the door, and he sat in his chair behind his desk before calling out for them to come in.

Naggie pushed the door open and without saying anything walked up to the brown bag and grabbed a sandwich out of it. She sat her skinny ass down on the edge of his desk and tore into the food.

“You finished with the tat?”

She shook her head. “Nah, the guy needed a break. For as big as he is, he’s a big baby.” She grinned and took another bite of the sandwich. “Although, I will say he’s been in that chair for a few hours already. You see the piece I’m doing?”

Cadeon leaned back in his chair and threaded his hands together behind his head. “A portrait? Is that his kid or something?”

She nodded. “Yeah. It is such a sad fucking story, actually. His kid died a few years back from some rare disease. This is like a small tribute to her, although the thing takes up the entire width of his back, and you saw how big he is. The guy is built like a linebacker.” Naggie started talking about the other clients she had tomorrow and bitched about the sixteen-year-old who was coming in with her mom to get her first butterfly tattoo. “I mean, come on, a fucking butterfly?”

Cadeon grinned. A client was a client to him, but Naggie hated when young girls came in for what she considered cliché tattoos. It was usually butterflies, flowers, Koi fish, or a Chinese symbol. Even though Cadeon liked a more complex piece to ink into someone, he didn’t share the same kind of… passion to bitch about simple designs like Naggie did.

“So why are you closing early? I can’t remember the last time you did that.” She took another bite of her sandwich. For as small as Naggie was, she had an appetite that rivaled his own.

“Got a client coming in, and I didn’t want all the chaos that goes on in the shop to freak her out. This is her first tattoo.”

Naggie stopped eating. She was a small woman with her nose, eyebrow, and ears pierced. She also had full-sleeve tattoos and a wicked fucking attitude that had most guys steering clear. “When have you ever closed shop early because a client was getting their first tattoo?” She finished off her sandwich and wiped her mouth before leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms. “Well?”

Shit, what was he supposed to say? She was right. Cadeon had never closed the shop early, and this was definitely special treatment for Stella. When he didn’t respond right away, Naggie grunted and hopped off the desk.

“If you want to screw around with some chick, don’t do it on my chair.” Naggie grinned widely but was already out of the office before he could answer.

Cadeon didn’t deny that it was a bad idea closing shop early for Stella, but there was a part of him that didn’t want to have her any more freaked out. Just hearing the sound of needles working and of the angry, energized music that played overhead would be enough to have anyone a little nervous on its own.

But of course he was also a selfish bastard, and there was another part to his decision to close the shop early. He wanted her all to himself, wanted this first time to be without distractions, and he wanted to have all his focus on her.

“You’re so fucking screwed, man.” Cadeon groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face. Yeah, he really was, but what a great way to go.


Stella finished up some paperwork at the club and turned off her computer. Even in the back room, she could hear the loud voices and curses coming through the walls from the guys. They were having a party, since a few of Copyright 2016 - 2024