Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,35

voice. “She’s fat as hell.”

He made a low, threatening sound, but before he could put Tally in her place, Stella spoke.

“Excuse me?” She took a step toward them, and an outraged expression was on her face. “You’re talking about me?” She pointed to herself as if she were truly surprised that she had just been dropped in this situation.

Tally didn’t respond but instead crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Stella.

Although Stella had it phrased as a question, there was hardened anger and disbelief in her voice. Tally knew who Stella was, seeing as she lived in Reckless too, and knew she was thick in the biker life. But Tally wasn’t the smartest woman he had ever come across, and her self-image was set high above everyone else’s.

She was also jealous, and she was allowing that to cloud the common sense part that should have been yelling at her not to fuck with Stella or Naggie. She was stepping into a territory she wouldn’t walk away unscathed from. Both females could eat Tally alive and still be hungry for seconds.

Pride filled him at the thought that his woman could handle what was thrown her way, and that was clear by her stance, the look on her face, and the fact that she had said something in defense. Cadeon stared at Stella and knew without a doubt he loved her. Christ, did he love her. He loved seeing the strength pour from her, even if it was during this small confrontation.

“You always go around insulting people you don’t even know?” Stella stepped closer to them, and there was a bite to her words.

“I call it like I see it.” Tally all but sneered.

“Stella, I wouldn’t worry about this skank or think much on her verbal vomit,” Naggie said in a singsong voice that was filled with a whole lot of dislike thrown Tally’s way.

Tally looked at Naggie and curled her lip. “This, coming from a dyke.”

He expected Naggie to launch herself at Tally, but all she did was laugh. “Sticks and stones and all that bullshit, bitch. At least I don’t have to resort to dressing in underwear in public just for a little attention.”

Tally’s face started taking on a red hue, and she made an outraged sound. “These are the people you associate with, Cadeon?” Tally asked in a high-pitched voice. “I have never been so insulted in my life.”

Naggie snorted. “You must not get out much then.”

Cadeon looked at Naggie and then at Stella and didn’t stop the grin that spread. “Yeah, I hang around some pretty fucking incredible company.” He started chuckling harder when Tally narrowed her eyes. “Look, I have tried not to be an asshole every time you’ve come on to me and I’ve kept you back. I really have, Tally, but this is the very last time I’m going to tell you, and maybe this time it’ll actually sink in.” He took a step toward her and said in a very low voice, “I have a woman, a damn good one at that, and she is the one I love.”

Tally’s eyes widened, and she snapped her head toward Stella. His girl had a surprised look on her face too, and although she knew he cared about her, no doubt hearing him say he loved her was a shock. He knew he had always loved her, but he had just been too fucking deep in his own shit to let those emotions out.

Tally made an angry sound and tightened her hand on the strap of her purse. “If you want that—” She narrowed her eyes at Stella. “—then your loss.” Without saying anything else, she turned and headed for the front door. Tally went to pass Stella, but his girl refused to move for her. They stared at each other for several seconds, and Stella had more of a curious expression on her face than one of being threatened.

Tally gave a mixture of a laugh and snort. When Stella was clearly not going to move out of the way, Tally walked around her with a huff. If Tally thought Stella was some pushover bimbo, she was clearly getting an eye-opening. That had him chuckling harder, because his woman was tough as nails and all his.

Once Tally was out of the shop, there was a second of silence that passed between the three of them. They glanced at one another.

“Wow.” Stella glanced out the front door. “What a bitch.” There was surprise on her face Copyright 2016 - 2024