Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,32

me to clear both our heads.”

She didn’t even need to think about it again, because she wasn’t ready for this night to end. “Okay.” The thought of being so close to him with the wind brushing by them and the ground rushing beneath them wasn’t something Stella wanted to pass up.

She had already missed three years, because she hadn’t been strong enough to confess her feelings, and because Cadeon had never spoken up. But she was young, and she didn’t want to miss any more opportunities. She knew her father would still talk to her, warn her most likely, because he didn’t trust Cadeon—not with her at least—and he would see there was just nothing he could do but accept it.

Cadeon took her hand and led her back into the bedroom. Once she was changed into a pair of jeans and a loose sweater, they headed out of her room and toward the front door. She was no stranger to being on the back of a Harley, and in fact got a thrill from straddling the monstrous piece of machinery.

She locked the front door, and when she turned around, adrenaline immediately starting thrumming through her veins at the sight of Cadeon’s bike sitting at the curb. His grin was infectious, and when she walked toward him, he handed her a helmet. Once it was secured on her head and he was sitting on the motorcycle, she threw one leg over it and sat on the cool leather.

But clearly, she was too far from him, because he reached back and curled his fingers around her waist. In one swift move, he pulled her forward so her breasts pressed to his back and her pussy was right up on him. She instantly became aroused, despite them having had sex that very day.

Tightening her hands around his waist, she closed her eyes when he started the engine, and the bike roared to life. The vibrations were powerful, and no matter how many times she had been on the back of one of these, she never got used to it. It really put into perspective how powerful this vehicle was and that the man or woman operating it had to be strong in their own right just to handle it.

He backed out of the driveway, and in a matter of minutes, they were on the road. Reckless was a small town, and they were exiting it before too long. The thick, lustrous forest lined the road on either side of them, and the only light they had this far out was the moon above them and Cadeon’s lone headlight. Stella rested her cheek on his back and closed her eyes.

The wind was chilly, and a few pieces of her hair came loose from her ponytail, but it was such a freeing feeling being on the back of this bike with nothing keeping her stationary except her arms around his waist. She didn’t know how long they rode in silence with only the sound of their clothing flapping from the wind, the almost angry roar of his engine, and the exhilarated sensation traveling through her.

Living the biker life—well, as much as she had been allowed while growing up—had taught her that being on the back of a Hog didn’t just mean getting a ride. It meant that she was one with the road and in thick with the freedom it all brought. And she felt all those things and more with Cadeon.

The only thing that could stand between them was each other, but even that could be their biggest downfall.


The next couple days flew by, but with Stella putting in extra hours each day at her “real” job, and trying to play catch-up with the books at the club, the time had slipped by without her even knowing it. But then again, her nights had been filled with Cadeon coming over and showing her exactly how insatiable he could be.

Her father hadn’t really brought up any more about her choice in men, but he had done a lot of grunting, sighing, and then finally just said that if she was happy, he’d deal with his own shit. But Stella supposed going toe-to-toe with her dad, telling him she was a grown-ass woman and would be with whomever she pleased, had also helped him realize he couldn’t control her anymore.

Yes, he was her father, and she loved and respected him, but she also cared about Cadeon. If this was a mistake, it was hers to make, Copyright 2016 - 2024