Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,22

called her was to leave a voicemail giving her aftercare instructions.

She had been trying to think about how she was going to tell her dad about this, because it was going to seem like she had been lying to him about not wanting Cadeon. She may have wanted him, but when she had gone to see him, it really had been strictly about the tattoo. But she hadn’t told anyone yet, because she knew she had to talk to Cadeon and see where he actually saw this—whatever this was—going between them.

If he only wanted her on the side as a piece of ass, then she would need to tell him she wasn’t even going to go there with him. She wasn’t a club whore, and if she agreed to something like that, then she would be no better than they were.

She looked around her living room, although everything was already straightened up. Working part-time at a consulting firm as a receptionist, and the other part-time at the club balancing their accounts payable and received, she wasn’t at home a whole lot. Her house was sparse in the furnishings department, but she wanted to be in the comfort of her own home when she and Cadeon had this talk.

A glance at the clock showed he would be there any minute. She looked at the breakfast bar, saw the two boxes of pizza and the case of beer, and couldn’t help snorting in amused embarrassment. When she asked him to dinner, she had every intention of attempting to make him a meal, or at the very least ordering something that didn’t come in a cardboard box.

Of course her day had been hectic at work and then at the clubhouse, and the only thing she had time for was making the phone call for the pizza and stopping by the gas station for the beer. Well, she tried, but tonight was more about what in the hell was going on between them and not so much about what they would eat. Stella didn’t even think she could eat anything, what with her stomach in knots.

The sound of a Harley started a small distance away, and even though she hadn’t looked out the window, she just knew it was Cadeon. The rumbling of the engine came closer, and that had her heart beating faster. When the sound of the bike was right in her driveway, she moved to the living room window and pushed back the drapes.

She didn’t want to look like a freak peeking at him through the window, but she honestly hadn’t been able to help herself, and, well, she supposed she wanted to make sure her gut was right and it wasn’t actually her father or a club member who had shown up.

She let the curtain fall back in place but still stared out the window. Cadeon climbed off his big-ass Harley, one that was a monster of a machine, but one he looked damn good on. He wore a pair of dark jeans that were loose but fit him well enough that it didn’t hide the raw power that made him up.

He was once again wearing a T-shirt, this one just as dark as his jeans. Since she had first met him three years ago, she didn’t think he ever wore anything aside from those two pieces of clothing. She had never seen him in a suit or even a button-down shirt. He took off his helmet but left his sunglasses on.

The sun was already setting on the horizon, and there was a pink/orange hue that covered the Colorado sky.

Stella moved away from the window when he started for her front door, but strangely she was suddenly not as nervous as she had been. She knew she should be, because what they were talking about was certainly nothing short of very, very important. He knocked on the door three times, and she turned and looked at it.

She was in the living room, but her open floorplan had the kitchen, dining room, front foyer, and living room all viewable from any point of the room. She smoothed her sweaty hands on her skirt and suddenly felt silly for trying to dress up. But a jean skirt and blouse wasn’t really dressy—at least she tried to tell herself that.

Before he had to start knocking again, she moved quickly toward the front door and opened it. Although she might have just seen him through the window, it still took her a moment to Copyright 2016 - 2024