Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,20

hadn’t been able to help it. All he had thought about was Stella and that he wanted to see her again.

Of course he wanted to fuck her again, but it was more than that. He wanted to get to know everything about her and wanted to learn things that casual conversation between them hadn’t revealed in the last few years. But Cadeon had never chased after a female, and the fact that she hadn’t returned his call made it seem like he would be doing just that if he pursued her more.

“Creep” by Radiohead played overhead, and it somehow matched his mood today. He glanced at his phone that was beside him on the counter and felt like some kind of hormonal teenage needing his next Stella fix. But he didn’t reach for it and instead focused on his paperwork again, trying to push her out of his thoughts.

He wanted her like no one else. But he wasn’t about to go sniffing around her if she didn’t want him to. That was the reasonable action to take, but Cadeon had never been a reasonable man.

The sound of the bell above the front door dinging as it was opened had Cadeon lifting his head. A silent groan left him when he saw Tally walk in. She wore a micro-mini skirt and a halter top that hardly covered her breasts. It had first started off with her coming in for some tattoos over the last year with some heavy fucking flirting coming from her. He’d always been polite, but apparently she’d thought it had been more than friendly conversation.

Because after that, she thought there was something going on between them, some kind of exclusivity. It didn’t matter how often he told her that there wasn’t anything there, she was persistent.

Of course, at first, he hadn’t been so coarse or bastard-like when he had said that, but after the fourth time of her trying to have him fuck her, he had just come out and told her that he didn’t want her. But Tally was one of those females who thought her pussy was the tightest fucking thing and God’s gift to men and clearly couldn’t understand he didn’t want any part of that.

She looked over at him, and her red-painted lips stretched wide over her too white teeth. “Hey, Cadeon.” She walked over to him, and the sound of her six-inch stilettos clicking on the tiled floor seemed to drown out the music. She leaned on the counter, and her tits nearly burst free from the too tight material of her shirt. “Can you squeeze me in a little ink?” She leaned back and lifted her shirt nearly all the way to the underside of her breasts. “I want a little heart and rose right here.” She ran the pad of her finger around her belly button.

“You make an appointment?” Tally might get on his fucking nerves, but she was still a customer. Yet that didn’t mean he had to be the one to give it to her. The last time he had given her a tattoo, he had known she got all fucking aroused by it.

She was a needle junkie, and although there wasn’t anything wrong with that, there was something wrong with the fact that she had been moaning the whole damn time he gave her the ink. No more would he be the one to mark her up.

She leaned on the counter once more and gave him what he knew was supposed to be this seductive grin. Instead, it just looked downright uncomfortable, and that was exactly how he felt around her. She was not much older than Stella, but where his girl had this innocence about her, Tally was just used hard and put away wet. She had seen a lot of fucking action and she was half his fucking age.

Wait, did I just call Stella my girl?

“When have I ever made an appointment, Cadeon?” Her grin widened, and even though he was seated behind the counter, she eyed him up and down. “Come on, can’t you just squeeze me in? The tattoo isn’t very big. I bet you could get it down quickly but make sure you were all sorts of thorough.” She lowered her eyes, trying to look sexy, but it just made her look like she was about to fall asleep.

“You aren’t anyone special to this shop, Tally. You got in those last few times, because there were openings. There aren’t any now, so if Copyright 2016 - 2024