Initiation (Master Class, #1) - Sierra Cartwright Page 0,23

Maybe from the weak morning sun, his eyes were lighter in color than they had seemed last night. “Join me,” he invited.

Unable to resist, she walked toward him.

He scooted over, and she sat next to him on the couch. The leather was warm from his body as well as the blazing fire, and she realized it had been a long time since she’d been this content.

“Coffee?” He offered his cup.

She took a sip and wrinkled her nose. “No sugar?”

“You’re one of those,” he said.


“Amateurs,” he teased.

“And no desire to become a pro.” But because she was chilled and the cup was steaming, she took a second sip.

She liked sitting this close to him, enjoyed his scent, the reassurance of his masculine warmth.

“Any ill effects?”

“If you’re asking whether or not I hurt from the flogging…” She looked at him. “No. Surprisingly.”

“Or the sex?”

“I think I managed your monster-sized cock just fine, Mr. Powell.”

“That you did.” He grinned. “And your ass?”

“From your belt?” She was guessing that wasn’t what he was talking about.

“From the reaming I gave it.”

Unconsciously, she shifted. “It’s fine.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”


“That you can take more. Do you need to get home?”

“I usually run errands on Saturdays, but I have nothing pressing.”

“There’s a small breakfast place just down the mountain. They specialize in skillet meals.” His eyes darkened. “I recommend you keep your strength up.”

Jennifer regarded him over the rim of the cup. “Because…?”

“There are toys in my bag. And I’m not done with you yet.”

She squirmed, from fear, from anticipation.

“How long do you need to get ready?”

“Depends on whether or not there’s more of this high-octane coffee. If there is, I’ll be ready in two minutes.”

“They have one of those cup brewers.”

“There’s a God and he’s smiling down on us.” She returned his cup to him and wiggled off the couch.

She took a step toward the kitchen, and the sheet stayed behind. Jennifer glanced over her shoulder to see a corner of the material bunched in his fist.

“I told you I want you naked. That didn’t change because it’s a new day.”

The reminder of his expectation made heat pour through her. “Yes, Sir.”

“Move your ass, little sub.”

Conscious of his gaze on her, she pulled back her shoulders and crossed into the kitchen. She opened a cabinet and found box after box of choices. Apple cider, hot chocolate, tea, organic coffee, decaf, French roast and her favorite, mocha. Best of all, there were packages of sugar.

She popped a pod into the coffeemaker. Within seconds, it hissed and popped and she began inhaling the faint, but welcome, scent of chocolate as the beverage brewed.

He watched, eyes wide with horror, as she tore apart five sugar packets and tipped the granules into the cup. Then she added a generous helping of cream before stirring.

She inhaled the steam. It smelled sweet and creamy. She sipped then wrinkled her nose.

Unsatisfied, she dumped in more cream.

“We could have gone out for lattes,” he observed with an interested twist to his lips.

“We still can.” She snatched up her cup, grabbed some mascara and an eyeliner pencil from her purse and headed back to the bedroom.

He watched every step.

A few minutes later, minimum makeup in place and hair finger-combed, she rejoined him.

“We’ll take my car,” he said.

Fine with her since he obviously knew where he was going. After donning their coats, they headed for his black SUV.

Wind whipped around them, and the temperature seemed just as cold as it had last night. The sky was gray, as if the sun hadn’t been able to part the curtains on the day.

He opened her door first and waited until she was settled in before closing her in and walking around to the driver’s side. The moment he started the engine, she pushed the button to turn on the seat warmer. Even though she set it to high, the cold leather bit through her tights. “It looks as though it might snow,” she said.

“Couple of inches are possible in town.” He shifted into drive and slid her a glance.

“Which means we could get more than that up here in the foothills.”

He nodded.

Logan drove them down the mountain then turned onto a road she had never before noticed. A couple of minutes later, they arrived at a quaint shopping center. There was a coffee shop, a breakfast place, a clothing boutique, a liquor store and a restaurant that specialized in tacos. “Heaven, all in one place.”

The breakfast place wasn’t anything like she’d anticipated. She’d been expecting something a bit Copyright 2016 - 2024