Infinity Chronicles (Infinity Chronicles #1) - Albany Walker Page 0,16

more in the last few minutes than I usually do all hour. When I've managed to peek at the front of the room, Dante appears to watch me.

I know at any minute the bell will ring and Delaney will be outside the classroom. I don't want to give her the chance to catch me. As my mind processes my encounters with her over the last few days, I realize Dante and his friends said they spend a bit of time at the diner. If he's coming, will she show up too? Now I have a whole other set of worries regarding work.

The bell rings and it startles me enough that I jump.

I already put my project away so I'm free to go, in my haste to get out the door I stumble and throw my arms out to catch myself before face-planting into the table next to mine.

Before my palms hit the surface, I feel a jerking motion around my waist and that strange static electricity dances down my spine. I'm pulled back further and my back hits someone's chest, and I know that person could only be Dante. “Whoa there,” he murmurs in a low voice. I feel the words leave his chest and rumble against my back, because he's holding me that tightly. Strangely, I'm frozen. My arms are still outstretched. I feel a velvet caress on my hip, something I can't explain because the soft brush of what feels like fur is stroking my bare skin.

In the blink of an eye I'm pushed away from the warm embrace, feeling strangely bereft and off kilter.

Dante comes from behind, maintaining a decent distance. He crouches so we're eye level and I can't avoid his amber gaze. His eyes are wide. I think he's just as freaked out as I am. “You okay?” he barely whispers.

I go to reply when I see Delaney brush up to his side, molding herself to him.

“Just clumsy,” comes my response while my eyes plunge to the floor.

“Dante, you ready?” Delaney grates out, her voice tight.

I'm going to pay for this, I almost wish he had let me fall onto the table. That would have been over quickly, but with Delaney, I can tell she is just getting started.

“I need to get to work,” I explain while dodging around the still entwined couple. Dante turns as I walk past him, as he seemingly ignores the girl attached to his side.

I shoot one last look over my shoulder before I turn out of the classroom. He hasn't moved an inch. Did he feel that weird static too, the caress?

I have to force myself to think about anything other than Dante and the fact he told me he'd be at the diner tonight. As I head to the diner, I try to distract myself but my thoughts are still on Dante when I get to work.

We've been swamped all night. It seems everyone and their sister comes to the diner on Friday nights, in a town this small I guess there isn't much else to do. There's been no sign of Dante or his friends, so maybe he changed his mind about coming, or maybe he's with Delaney. That thought shoots an unreasonable amount of jealousy through my veins. I barely know him, have only spoken to him a few times, and I'm jealous that he's probably with his girlfriend? Ridiculous.

“Maggie, I'm going to run to the ladies before heading home,” I call out. She's still in the kitchen so I barely hear her muffled reply.

After washing up I pull the wad money, mostly comprised of ones, from my apron pocket. The tips are pretty good for a small town. At this rate it won't be too long before we could actually get a small apartment. I put my cash away and rewash my hands before walking out to the diner. I'd already cleaned the bathrooms, so unless Maggie needs anything else I'm set to go.

“You sure you don't want to call someone for a ride, or stick around for another half hour till I'm done here? I don't mind dropping you off.” She frowns, tapping her pencil against the desk.

“I'm fine Maggie, it's only a ten-minute walk. I'll see you tomorrow.” I make eye contact, showing my sincerity, then give her a small wave before heading out to the parking lot.

On the walk home I don't see one car the entire time, which is what I expect for this lonely stretch of road.

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