Inferno of Darkness (Divisa Huntress #2) - J.L. Weil Page 0,8

wasn’t sure I was up to dealing with people.

She noticed my hesitation and added, “There will be coffee.”

My eyes narrowed at the bribe. “And cheese Danishes from Sweet Sensations?” Sweet Sensations was a local bakery in town, famous for its filled and iced Danishes. Just thinking about the soft and warm donut fresh out of the oven had my empty stomach rumbling.

Angel rolled her eyes. “Obviously. I’m eating for two.”

“Fine,” I relented, thinking a day out might help distract me, and I seriously needed a distraction. “Just give me twenty minutes to shower, change, and brush the vomit from my teeth.”

She made a face. “I know I’m your best friend and all, but the oversharing is becoming too much. At least until this morning sickness has passed.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Angel had been having a rough first trimester of her pregnancy. Everything made her queasy, from the smell of perfume to the sight of uncooked meat.

She stood up, and before I could anticipate her move, she flicked on the shower, spraying me with ice-cold water. My shriek of surprise mixed in with the sound of her laugh as she darted out of the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind her. “You’re going to pay for that, Mrs. Winters!” I yelled after her, scrambling to turn the water to warm before shedding my clothes and tossing the soaked blanket over the side of the tub.

Angel only giggled harder. It was a nice sound. Something I missed. When was the last time I laughed?

The downtown shops of Spring Valley were mostly local businesses and specialty boutiques. If you wanted an Ikea or a Target, you had to travel to the bigger surrounding cities. We didn’t even have a Starbucks.

But we did have Sweet Sensations. And it was so worth the trip into town.

With our lattes and cheese Danishes in hand, Angel and I strolled down the sidewalk toward the only baby boutique in town. I was anticipating a day of oohs and aahs.

“How much longer until you find out the sex?” I asked like the impatient aunt I was.

“Two more weeks,” she replied, an excited grin spreading over her lips. “Travis and Chase are already taking bets. Emma’s putting together a small gender reveal party.”

A tinge of guilt speared my heart. I should be helping, baking cupcakes filled with either blue or pink frosting. That’s what friends did, but I’d been so self-consumed with my own problems and resentments, I hadn’t even known there was a gender reveal party to plan.

Where was my crappiest sister-in-law ever pin?

I might be fifty shades of screwed up, but Angel deserved every happiness in the world. She and Chase both did, which included me being the best goddamn aunt in the universe. This little baby might be my saving grace. It would be far healthier to focus my attention on her (Angel was obviously having a little girl) than to dwell on a past I couldn’t change or obsess over a dream that might not be anything more than my mind processing trauma. I couldn’t begin to understand what was happening in the underworld. Ashor had made sure of it, shoving and shutting me out. It wasn’t my world, and he had done something to protect me. The prince had made his choice, and it was time I accepted. Time I moved on.

That was what sane people would do.

I no longer felt sane.

“Are you sure letting Emma plan a party is a good idea? Her idea of a reveal will be shooting an arrow at a demon piñata.” Emma tended to be extreme… in everything. It was why she was my demon-hunting partner in crime. That girl’s aim was scarily precise.

“How did you know?” Angel teased, looping her arm through mine as we approached Little Bundles.

“Please. Emma thinks her bow and arrow should be incorporated into every part of her life. Some girls wear earrings or bracelets. Emma Deen accessories with a bow and a quiver.”

Angel chuckled. “Yeah, but it somehow works for her. She manages to make it look hot.”

Was that a grin on my lips? “My brother definitely thinks so.”

I tried to maintain a playful attitude as we browsed through racks of tiny soft pink dresses and baby blue little trousers. It was impossible to not get swept away by the booties, bows, and the smell of baby powder that seemed to cling to everything in the shop.

What good would it do for me to pine and worry about a demon I was Copyright 2016 - 2024