Inferno of Darkness (Divisa Huntress #2) - J.L. Weil Page 0,76

mouth never moving.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

That was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen. I never wanted him to talk again.

Ashor’s fiery gaze shifted past the grunt demon in his clutches to the skinwalker. “Is that so?” he said, glancing around at the handful of demons and looking unimpressed. “And she only sent you? I’m insulted.”

“This isn’t an elimination. Just a friendly warning,” the skinwalker replied with his uber chilly nonmoving mouth.

I snorted. Friendly, my ass.

Ashor must have had the same thought. He struck with immortal speed, hitting the demon he clasped with a sword made entirely out of his darkness, and all I could do was watch with awe as the blade sliced the demon’s head off in one clean swipe.

Holy crap.

The Prince of Darkness was a badass.

And he was mine.

I refused to let his mother come between us. Never again. Such a violent roar screamed in my blood, I could no longer think straight. My body just reacted; consequences be damned. A demon appeared in front of me, red lips grinning, and I couldn’t have been more thankful. The bastard swung at me, and it was my turn to grin. Ducking, I forced him to hit nothing but air.


Spinning around, I hooked my leg in between his in a systematic maneuver that sent him sprawling forward on the grass. “Eat dirt, asshole.” I rammed the heel of my foot into his back.

“You might need this.” Ashor tossed me something.

I caught a glint of metal right before my fingers wrapped around the dagger. “Where did you—? Never mind. I don’t want to know.” The demon was twisting and turning underneath my heel, clawing at the earth. The instant I lifted my foot he spun around, and I sank the blade into the demon’s chest as I had a hundred times before. Same spot, different demon.


Yanking out my knife, I pivoted to take on the next one, but the demon’s fist caught me on the side of my face.

Pain exploded. Bastard.

Spitting a mouthful of blood, I lifted my head. The asshole who hit me was trembling under Ashor. I didn’t know how the prince reached me so fast, but he towered over the lower demon, every inch a prince of darkness.

Snarling low and vicious, he gave the demon a message. “Touch her again, and you won’t have a queen to serve. Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I’m not sending you back.” Ashor blew a puff of darkness that weaved its way into the demon’s mouth and nostrils. His eyes went wide, and for a moment, nothing happened, just a deafening silence. And then his mother’s foot soldier exploded from the inside out, nothing but demon mist particles floating in the air.

Ashor’s power shattered his soul, the very thing a demon needed to survive in this world or the underworld.

The sheer depth of Ashor’s abilities left me stunned. They were magnificent and frightening.

A roar erupted behind me, and I spun again to defend myself against the demon lunging straight for me, but he ran into an invisible wall. Both of us blinked. This wasn’t the first time I’d found myself in a bubble of darkness.


I whirled on Ashor. “Take it down. Now!” I growled, fury spitting from me.

He smirked, blasting a demon with his darkness. “I’m kind of busy, luv.”

“Ashor, so help me—” The shield came down, and the demon surged forward. I caught him in the nose with my left foot. Fuming, I turned back to the prince. “This isn’t funny.”

The other demons were nothing but vaporized dust. Ignoring me, Ashor stalked to the last demon standing—the one who looked like a man, the skinwalker. He grabbed the fiend by his neck, slamming him against a tree. “It’s time you and I had a little talk.”

The skinwalker laughed. “I was sent to remind you of your duty.” Eyes of red and black slithered to me in a disturbing glare. There were no whites in his eyes. “Distractions will not be tolerated.”

Ashor scraped a nail along a gray vein that ran down the column of the demon’s neck. “As always, I do things on my terms. She doesn’t control me. I will fulfill my oath when I’m damn ready. Take that back to Mother.”

“As you wish, Prince.” The demon lowered his head, eyes on the ground. Seeing as all his buddies were gone, I understood his compliance. If he didn’t want to end up vaporized, what choice did he have? It didn’t mean I agreed with the prince.

Ashor released his grip, dropping Copyright 2016 - 2024