Inferno of Darkness (Divisa Huntress #2) - J.L. Weil Page 0,71

the sky get darker?”

Ashor glanced over my head up into a funnel of darkness and shrugged. “It could go on for days.”

“But why? She knows why you are here,” I said, my brows knitted together. A gust of wind slammed into the side of the castle, followed by a series of lightning strikes around us. I jumped.

Ashor lay gentle hands on my shoulders. “For appearance. She has to play her part, make it look as if she is a dutiful mother and queen. Verena is keeping me in her court against my will, which is in her right for me trespassing in her court. If I wasn’t Kali’s son and heir, she wouldn’t care what Verena did to me.”

“Can’t you get rid of it?” I asked. The storm's presence made me uneasy. It was as if Kali was watching us. She was too close for comfort.

“I could, but I would also have to be in my other form to create such power. It would require a great deal of energy.” His fingers brushed along my neck, moving the hair off my shoulder. “And I’d rather spend my energy doing something else.” He pressed a whisper of a kiss to my mate marks.

I tilted my head to the side, silently asking for more. “Don’t let all the sex in this place go to your head,” I murmured. It was everywhere in some shape or form. On our way back to our suite, I’d accidently stumbled into the wrong room. Big mistake. The things I saw couldn’t be unseen.

Ashor had just chuckled at me, much like he did now.

Verena’s court was an odd mixture of fairy-like demons and succubae in human form. It was the stuff on the inside that mattered. Pure demon. And I had to keep reminding myself that they weren’t human.

“Have you never been curious about that side of you?”

An arm slipped around my waist, and I leaned back into him. “I already agreed to release my demon,” I reminded him.

His hand snuck under my shirt to splay across my belly. “Yes, and something we will get to soon,” he agreed in a silky, low voice. “But you might learn a thing or two while you’re here.”

I snorted, resting the back of my head on his chest. “How to be a slut? I’m good.”

Soft lips curled against my ear. “There is more to being a succubus than taking your clothes off.”

I turned my face to the side, glancing sidelong at him with narrowed eyes. “How would you know?”

“Because this is my world, which makes me your demonology specialist.”

“Can’t wait,” I mumbled, turning around to face him. I looped my arms around his neck. “So what are we supposed to do while Verena makes up her mind? Just sit in our room and have sex all the time?”

Ashor’s brows lifted. “I’m game.”

I smacked him on the arm. “This isn’t why I came here.” My thoughts turned to my family, wondering if they were safe, if they got out.

“There are worse places to be stuck, take my word for it.”

A flash of him covered in blood, chained to a wall streaked behind my eyes. I blinked, clearing the nightmare. Had that been my memory or his?

It didn’t matter. Ashor and I were both damaged. Another thing the prince and I had in common.

“Do you think she will accept your aid?” I asked, changing the topic to clear my mind and his.

“Yes. Verena is smart. She knows it is the only way to save her court. Gardeness is in a fragile state compared to the other courts. Her demon numbers have dwindled over the decades and weakened her powers. Unlike my mother, who siphons her powers from darkness itself, Verena’s magic needs to be fed.”

“From human souls,” I supplied. Seeing as who my mother was, I understood what it meant to be a succubus and that without the essence of human life, they were no longer useful to their queen.

He nodded. “Precisely. Her subjects provide her with power. Without them, she wouldn’t be able to reign over Gardeness. My being here has her on edge.”

I gazed back out into the night. Did Kira know about the vulnerability of her court? Should I warn her? My nose pressed to the glass. Another bolt of lightning struck the sky, and my heart jumped.

It couldn’t be.

Blinking, I unfolded myself from Ashor’s embrace and pressed my nose to the glass, combing the darkness. My eyes darted left and right. “Did you see that?” I didn’t wait Copyright 2016 - 2024