Inferno of Darkness (Divisa Huntress #2) - J.L. Weil Page 0,12

the freaking Prince of Darkness.”

I started walking to the car again, Angel following. “It’s not like I had a choice.” That was the thing about fate. We believe we have a choice in the matter, that our decisions are ours to make, but what was meant to be always finds a way to be.

“Don’t you, though?” she rebutted. “It is up to you how far this thing with the prince goes. Your souls are linked. That you can’t change, but that doesn’t mean you have to complete the Triplici. If you don’t want this, don’t want him, there are ways…”

My breathing became tight in my chest, an ache that grew until I couldn’t breathe, causing me to stumble. “To break our connection?” I finished. Kali had offered Ashor the same alternative, and the idea provoked the same gut-wrenching reaction—panic as I’d never experienced before.

“I just want you to know your options, but I think you already know what you want.” Her voice softened.

Did I?

My feelings toward the prince were indecisive, but I had made up my mind about one thing. I needed answers. Something was happening to me, and he was the only one who could explain. How had I conjured flames made of night itself? I might not be ready to commit myself in heart, body, and soul to the Prince of Darkness, but I also couldn’t sit by and do nothing while his mother set forth to conquer the underworld.

Nor could I let Ashor be a pawn in her quest. I was beginning to understand just how far Ashor might go to keep me safe. He would plot to kill another queen, to overthrow the Crown of Envy if my dream had any truth to it. He sent a shade to warn me that shit was about to go down.

War was coming.

And the extent of its reach would bleed into my world.

All the more reason I needed answers.

This was something I had to do on my own. I couldn’t endanger my family any further than I already had. I would warn Chase, make sure he kept Angel safe.

The guilt I’d let consume me for weeks was still there, but I shoved it deep within me, burying so I could turn my focus on Ashor and stop him from making a stupid mistake. Killing another queen of Hell wouldn’t derail Kali from coming after Angel. And it most definitely wouldn’t stop her from declaring war on the other courts. It would only give her more power, making her nearly impossible to stop. I would rip the black soul from her demon body before Kali touched my friend.

What would happen if she reigned over two courts? Three? Or all five? Kali wouldn’t stop at just one. The greed I saw in her eyes was like an infection. It would spread from one court to the next, and as Ashor predicted, her power would trickle into the mortal world, threatening us all. The Queen of Darkness controlling the underworld gave me shivers.

Angel’s phone rang, and she cursed, staring at the picture that popped up. It was Chase. I caught a glimpse of his face when she pulled out her phone. “Hey,” she answered in a cheerful tone, an attempt to sound normal.

The corner of my lips pulled up. Chase had a direct link to Angel’s emotions and undoubtedly had sensed her alarm at seeing the shade. I was actually shocked he hadn’t shown up like a bat out of hell, ready to dismantle demons. Why hadn’t he? It wasn’t like my cousin to be so slack in his protective duties. But then I remembered, he was out of town.

Angel fidgeted, drawing random designs with her foot over the gravel as she assured Chase everything was fine and we were on our way home. I could hear the skepticism in his voice. Enhanced hearing made no conversation private if I was in close proximity.

They chatted a few more minutes as we got into the car, Angel assuring him for the millionth time that nothing was wrong and she got startled by a shadow. All true.

I was quiet on the drive home, lost in my head as I contemplated just how I would get answers. What I would do with those answers remained to be seen, but I didn’t just want answers… I wanted justice. Revenge. Retribution. Put whatever name you want to it.

“You’re planning something reckless, aren’t you?” Angel asked as we drove down the long stretch of road that led to Copyright 2016 - 2024