Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,73

A hunter, a stalker, an animal heart in a—”

Lucas cleared his throat. “Perhaps we should define clear and comprehensible.”

“Perhaps we should define dull and boring.” When Lucas only stared at him, Esus sighed. “Have it your way. He’s earthbound. Human. Now that’s information that Everett himself couldnae give you because he ne’er saw the man. I caught a glimpse of him at the courthouse, when he killed that bairn. Damned Cabal shamans put up a barrier to keep me outside, so I couldnae help Everett. I was trying to find a kink in the armor when the dobber grabbed the bairn. Didnae get a good look at him, thocht.”

“Why not?” Jaime said. “I thought you were all-seeing.”

“All-knowing, nae all-seeing,” he snapped. “I’m a god, nae Santa Claus.”

“But if you’re all-knowing—” she began.

I elbowed her to silence. I doubted gods, even minor Celtic deities, appreciated having their shortcomings pointed out.

“What can you tell us about him?” I asked. “From the glimpse you got?”

“Male, corporeal human form, light hair, average size, and fast as Thor’s thunderbolt. Stabbed that poor bairn so fast he didnae have time to scream. Your man has killing experience, and lots of it. In the auld days, priests made a dozen sacrifices to me every spring, and none of them was as good at it as this fellow.”

“Back to the files, then. How did that come about?”

“The way most jobs come about. Networking. After the Nasts fired Everett—oh, and do you know why they fired him? Because some sorcerer’s laddie wanted the job for his co-op. Obviously, Everett wasnae happy. He was looking for a wee bit of revenge, maybe shooting his gob off too much. This guy found out, called and asked Everett if he wanted to make some cash hacking into Cabal employee files. Everett figured the guy was looking to recruit Cabal employees. Happens all the time.”

I nodded. “Then he asked for employee files for the Cortez, Nast, and St. Cloud Cabals.”

“Nae, he wanted all four. The Cortez and Nast ones Everett could get easily enough, having worked for them. He knew a fellow in the St. Cloud computer department, so he could buy those files. But he had nae idea how to get the Boyd file. This guy didnae care. He said the other three would be good enough; he’d take care of the Boyds later.”

“Everett gets the three files, and then…”

“Then he wants Everett to extract the information on employees’ bairns. And that’s when he knew the guy was nae recruiting.”

“No kidding,” Jaime muttered.

“Look, I’m nae defending Everett. He fucked up. But he’s nae saint and he’s nae hero. He got greedy and he got scared and between the two, he convinced himself that there could be some innocent reason why a bodie would want a list of runaway Cabal bairns. When those bairns started dying, we both knew he was in trouble. If the Cabals didnae get him, the killer would, tidying up his loose ends. When I saw you were heading in Everett’s direction, I told him to go quietly, because I knew your reputations, and figured you would hunt down the truth.”

“Sorry,” I murmured.

“Och, couldnae be helped. Once the Cabals had a suspect, they were nae letting anything as inconvenient as the truth get in their way. I should have foreseen that.”

“How did he get the list to this guy?” I asked.

“Very cloak-and-dagger. The dobber isnae stupid. He communicated by phone, gave nae way to contact him, told Everett where to leave the printouts. When Everett dropped off the lists, there was cash waiting for him.”

“So there were two lists,” I said. “One of Cabal runaways—the easy marks. Then one of personal bodyguards’ kids, to prove that if he could get that close to the bodyguards, he could get that close to the CEOs themselves. From there he jumped straight to the families—”

“Nae, there was a third list. Everett did it separately. After the guy found out there were only two names on the second list, he wanted the bairns of the CEO’s personal staff.”

“Then Matthew Tucker was a victim,” I said. “But, still, to jump from a secretary’s son to a CEO’s grandson seems a megaleap.”

“It’s likely his original intention was to remain with the third list,” Lucas said. “However, the convergence of Cabal families for the trial provided him with the perfect opportunity to escalate faster.”

“And now that he’s hit the top, that’s where he’ll bide,” Esus said. “Going back to killing the kids of mere employees now Copyright 2016 - 2024