Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,33

easy for me. Elena made it easier, though, by arranging a twice-daily check-in time of eleven in the morning and eleven at night. If either of us would be busy at the designated time, we’d forewarn the other, so no one would be left worrying about a call not made or not answered. Yes, it bordered on obsessive-compulsive, but neither Elena nor Clay made me feel I was overreacting, and I truly appreciated that.

I planned to walk down with Elena and see them off, so Savannah and I didn’t bother with good-byes. As the door swung shut behind them, I turned to Elena.

“Clay’s really good with Savannah,” I said.


“You don’t think so?”

She plunked down onto the sofa. “No, I’m just waiting for part two of that comment.”

“You mean the part that goes ‘You know, he’d probably make a pretty good—’”

She held up a hand to stop me. “Yep, that part.”

I laughed and plunked into my chair. “Any progress on that front?”

“He’s moved from hints disguised as jokes to outright hints. That took a year, so I figure I have another year before he insists on progressing to actual discussion. He’s being pretty good about it, though. Taking his time, getting me used to the idea before he pops the question.”

“He knows you’re not ready.”

“Problem is, I’m not sure I’ll ever be. I want kids. I really do. I always assumed I’d grow up, marry a nice guy, live in the suburbs, and raise a houseful of kids. But with Clay, well, I always thought a life with him meant giving up all of that. Even the ‘growing up’ part.”

“Highly overrated.”

“I think so.” She grinned and stretched her legs along the sofa. “Kids, though, well, it’s a big step, and not just for the normal reasons. Clay knows I’m not going anywhere, so it isn’t a question of commitment. It’s the werewolf issue. Two werewolves having a baby? Never been done. Who knows what—” She rubbed her hands over her arms. “Well, I’m just not ready, and right now, I don’t have time to worry about it, not with all these recruitment problems.”

I put down my Chai. “That’s right. You met that new recruit this week. How did—”

Two raps at the door cut me off.

“Guess Clay’s getting antsy,” I said. “At least he tried.”

Elena shook her head. “That’s far too polite a knock for Clay.”

“And it’s the wrong door,” I said, following the sound. “That’d be our bodyguard.”

Elena laughed. I opened the door that joined the two suites and she saw Troy.

“Shit,” she murmured. “You weren’t kidding.”

“I just saw Mr. Cortez’s car pull into the lot,” Troy said. “Figured you might like some advance warning. I thought I heard”—he leaned into the room and saw Elena—“voices. Hello.”

He leaned farther into the room for a better look, and it was obvious he wasn’t going anywhere without an introduction.

“Troy, this is Elena; Elena, this is Troy Morgan, Benicio’s bodyguard, temporarily on loan.”

Elena stood and extended her hand. Troy nearly tripped over his feet to take it. As usual, I don’t think Elena noticed the attention, and certainly didn’t reciprocate.

“You’re a, uh, friend of Paige’s?” he said.

“A fellow council member,” I said. “She just stopped in for a visit…with her husband.”

“Hus—” He looked down at Elena’s hand and saw her engagement ring. “Oh.” He stepped back, reluctantly. “The interracial council, huh? So you’re a supernatural. Let me guess—”

“Sorry,” I said. “But if Benicio’s coming up, we’d better get Elena gone.”

Another rap at the door, this time the hall one.

“Come on,” Troy said to Elena. “We’ll duck out through my room.”

“Say good-bye to Savannah for me,” I said. “I’ll call you tonight.”

Elena let Troy usher her into his room. I paused, then opened the hall door and invited Benicio in. His new bodyguard stayed in the corridor. Before I’d even closed that door, the adjoining door reopened and Elena popped her head through. She motioned toward the hall, mouthing “guard.” I discreetly waved her inside. Better for her to go out the main door, and arouse Benicio’s suspicions a bit, than have the guard see her sneak from Troy’s room and raise Benicio’s suspicions a lot. I doubted Troy usually had women spend the night while he was on duty.

“Is Savannah here?” Benicio asked, looking around. He saw Elena.

“She was just leaving,” I said.

Elena brushed past Benicio with a small smile and a nod. I held the door open, then closed it behind her and turned to Benicio.

“Now, where were we?” I said. “Oh, you Copyright 2016 - 2024