Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,27

what they need.”

I peeked at Lucas. He stood there with the pained expression of a child forced to sit through the thousandth rendition of his father’s favorite lecture.

“I’m sure Hector would have gone.”

Benicio snorted. “Of course Hector would go. He’d go because he knows I’d want him to. He’d have killed the boy himself, if he thought it’d win my favor.”

Lucas winced. I handed him a straight scotch. He mouthed a thank-you. I gave Benicio his water and he nodded his thanks before continuing.

“We’ve had more evidence of a pattern. A St. Cloud VP got wind of our problem, prompting a call from Lionel. One of their necromancer’s daughters, who was living with relatives after some family trouble, was attacked last Saturday, the night before Dana.”

“Is she okay?” I asked.

Benicio shook his head. “Like Jacob, she managed to place a call to their emergency line saying she was being followed but was dead when they found her. I’ve placed calls to Thomas Nast and Guy Boyd asking whether they know of any attacks on employees’ children. Thomas tentatively confirmed that they’ve had two incidents, but he wouldn’t provide details over the phone. The Cabals are meeting in Miami tomorrow to share information.”

“They’re launching a joint investigation, I presume,” Lucas said.

“Yes, which is why I’m asking you to reconsider.”

“Reconsider?” I said. “If the Cabals are investigating, you don’t need us.”

“No. If the Cabals are jointly investigating, I need your help more than ever. As Lucas can tell you, an intra-Cabal operation—”

Lucas lifted a hand. “We’re tired, Papá,” he said softly. “It’s been a very long night. I understand this new concern, and I agree that it is a concern. May I ask, though, that you let me explain the situation to Paige tonight, try to get some sleep, then discuss it with you over breakfast?”

“Yes, of course,” Benicio said. “What time do you need to be in court tomorrow?”


“Then let’s reschedule our breakfast from seven to eight, to give you time to sleep. I’ll have the jet fly you to Chicago afterward.”

Lucas hesitated, then nodded. “Thank you.”

He turned toward the door.

“One last thing,” Benicio said.

Lucas paused, still facing the door, one hand on the knob, lips parting in a silent sigh. “Yes, Papá?”

“In light of this latest tragedy, I think we must assume that the killer’s intent is to hurt the Cabals where they expect it least and will feel it most. Given that, we have to also assume that the ultimate prize for him would be a member of a CEO’s family.”

“Yes, of course, but we can discuss this—”

“I’m not talking generalities, Lucas. I’m bringing this to your attention because it obviously affects you and Paige, and you need to consider that immediately.”

“He’s targeting teenagers. I’m not a teen—”

“I’m not referring to you. This killer is obviously smart enough to attack the edges, pluck from the herd the most vulnerable, those children farthest removed from Cabal protection. If he wanted a teenager from a Cabal CEO’s immediate family, there is only one who doesn’t live with a Cabal and who isn’t under twenty-four-hour guard.”

“Oh, God,” I said. “Savannah.”

The Most Endangered Kid on the Planet

EARLIER THIS YEAR, WHEN KRISTOF NAST SUED FOR CUSTODY of Savannah, he’d done so by claiming to be her father. At first, I hadn’t believed him. Savannah, as the daughter of a notoriously powerful woman who was both a witch and a half-demon, showed every sign of matching or surpassing her mother’s powers, and as such she’d be a prize acquisition for any Cabal.

As for Kristof being her father, it was preposterous. No witch would ever get involved with a sorcerer, much less a high-ranking Cabal sorcerer. Then I’d met Kristof, seen Savannah’s eyes staring back at me, and knew there was no question of paternity.

Even if I’d still doubted it, his actions proved he wasn’t trying to recruit a potential employee. Kristof hadn’t just made a halfhearted attempt to kidnap Savannah. He’d put his all into getting custody, and he’d died trying to stop Savannah from hurting herself. A sorcerer like Kristof Nast would never do that for a witch who wasn’t his daughter.

This story had been churning in the Cabal gossip mill for months now. Anyone looking for Cabal children would know about Savannah. They’d also know that, unlike every other child and grandchild of a Cabal CEO, she wasn’t ferried to and from a private school in an armored car filled with half-demon bodyguards. She had only Lucas and me, and right now, she Copyright 2016 - 2024