Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,169

and jogged toward the other end of the alley.

“Keep holding him,” I said to Savannah. “I’ll grab the rope.”

Something moved behind Savannah. It was just Jeremy waking and lurching to his feet, but the sudden motion startled her and the binding spell snapped. Edward tore free of my grasp. Lucas spun around, saw Edward, and lifted his hands to cast.

“No!” I shouted. “Keep going!”

Lucas hesitated only a second before racing down the alley. Edward shot after him. And I followed, passing Jeremy as he tried to shake off the sedative, growling softly.

Ahead, the two men disappeared around the corner. A moment of silence. Then trash cans crashed like cymbals, the sound not quite drowning out a yelp of pain. I hiked up my skirt and tore down the alley.

I rounded the corner as Edward sprang to his feet, recovering from whatever spell Lucas had cast at him. With a roar, Edward threw himself at Lucas. Lucas backpedaled and lifted his hands to cast again. Then Jeremy skidded around the corner. He whipped past me and launched himself at Edward. As Edward fell, Jeremy clamped his jaws around the back of his neck. Then he pinned him to the pavement, forepaws on his shoulders, mouth still on his neck. I raced in with the rope. Lucas grabbed Edward’s hands, yanked them behind his back, and I tied them with the best knots I knew, then let Lucas add his own, just to be sure.

When we’d finished, I turned to Savannah, and nodded. She cast a binding spell on Edward. And it was over.

As Jeremy Changed back, I cared for Lucas, casting a spell to staunch the dribbling blood flow, then wrapping his neck with strips of fabric from my dress. Then, leaving Savannah in charge of the binding spell, we hurried into the alley to free Jaime and Benicio. Lucas headed straight for his father.

Jaime had her head down, but on hearing me, she looked up and flashed a wide grin.

“Hey,” she said. “Everything under control?”

“Yes,” I said, kneeling behind her. “Thank you so much. You were amazing.”

At a noise of assent behind me, Jaime looked up and, from the sudden light in her face, I knew who was standing there. I glanced up at Jeremy and motioned to the ropes.

“Do you mind?” I said. “My fingers are too slippery. Sweating pretty hard, I guess.”

He nodded and circled Jaime. “I’ll start with your hands. If I pull too tight, just say so.”

“Ummm, not yet, okay? Hold on for a minute. I’m still trying to figure out how to escape.”

“You don’t need to escape, Jaime,” he said gently. “It’s all over. I can untie you now.”

“Oh, I know, and you can, just as soon as I figure out how I could have done it. It’s humiliating enough to be kidnapped, tied up, and need rescuing. At least I have to be able to say, ‘Thanks for setting me free, but I was actually just minutes away from doing it myself.’”

A low chuckle. “I see.”

“What do you think of lip gloss?”

“In general? Or as an instrument of escape?”

“Escape. I have some in my pocket and I can almost reach it. What if I’d smeared lip gloss on the ropes? Could I have slid out?”

As Jeremy answered, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Benicio. As I stood, he embraced me.

“Well done,” he whispered in my ear.

“I’ve just called the Cabal, Papá,” Lucas said. “They’re sending an extraction team.”

“Oh, I don’t believe that will be necessary.”

Benicio pulled back from me. As Lucas and I exchanged a look, Benicio headed for the end of the alley.

“He’s quite secure, Papá,” Lucas called after him. “Perhaps—”

Benicio lifted a finger, and kept walking. His voice floated back to us, barely above a whisper. Lucas frowned and jogged after him. I followed, trying to hear what Benicio was saying. Then I caught a few words of Latin and knew he was casting. Lucas realized it at the same moment and broke into a run. When we reached the corner, though, Benicio had stopped the incantation. He was leaning over Edward, who lay on his back, staring up, cold-eyed and defiant. Benicio’s lips curved in a small smile.

“Vampires are indeed the race of arrogance, aren’t they?” he said, his tone pleasant, even congenial. “And perhaps not without reason. You did manage to kill my son once. Almost managed to do it twice. Did you really think you’d get away with it? If you had, I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024