Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,165

site, with only Morris for backup. But not for long. We were only a few minutes from the site. Aaron, Cassandra, and Troy were also on their way, and Aaron was phoning Elena to tell her to turn around and head over to the portal. In half an hour, we’d have seven supernaturals ready to take on Edward. We only prayed we’d get to him before Benicio did.

We parked as close to the site as we dared. As anxious as we both were to get there, we had to be careful. And there was very likely no need to rush. Benicio might have arrived ahead of us, but if Jaime had told Edward who he needed for the sacrifice, he was probably across the city by now, heading for the masquerade gala. The greatest danger we likely faced was Benicio himself. As Lucas said, it had been years—if not decades—since Benicio had needed to defend himself. If we came flying down the alley, we might find ourselves on the receiving end of a lethal energy bolt.

Once out of the car, we hurried to the café. I cast perimeter spells at the alley on either side, and across the rear door. That covered the east side. Now on to the west, on the other side of the dead-end alley where we’d met Edward.

We’d gone only a few steps when Lucas lifted a hand to stop me. I followed his gaze down to the ground. A fingerlike puddle snaked around the corner, moving almost imperceptibly, expanding. The puddle shone black in the darkness. Without even casting a light spell, I knew it wasn’t water.

As Lucas peered around the corner, I kept my gaze glued to his face, braced for a reaction I prayed I wouldn’t see. His eyes closed in a soft wince, and my breath whooshed out. I slipped over to him, and looked.

Morris sat braced against the wall. He was dead. His shirt was ripped apart, and his hands still clutched the bloodied missing half to his throat, a frantic final attempt to save himself. Over the cloth I could see long jagged holes where Edward had ripped at his throat. Then he’d left Morris to bleed out while he turned his attention to the secondary threat: Benicio.

Lucas darted around the corner, moving as quietly as he could. As I set out after him, the whisper of voices fluttered across the still night. We both froze and listened.

“…won’t help…” a woman said.

I looked up at Lucas and mouthed, “Jaime?” He nodded.

“You said…sacrifice.” Edward, his words clipped with anger.

Had Jaime betrayed us? Had she been betraying us all along? I told myself there was no motivation, nothing to be gained by this, but nor did I have time to think it through. If I did, maybe I would find a motive. For now, we had a far more pressing concern.

As we crept forward, the voices came clear.

“I’m telling you it won’t work,” Jaime said. “You can’t use him. It needs to be a very specific sacrifice. I was trying to tell you that—”

“You weren’t trying to tell me anything,” Edward snarled. “You said I needed a sacrifice. Any sacrifice.”

“Well, I lied, okay?”

“Oh, and now you’re telling the truth?”

Lucas motioned for me to pass him. I ducked down before peeking out, then cast a fast cover spell. Jaime knelt before a makeshift altar…bound hand and foot. Beside her, Benicio lay on his side, also bound. His eyes were closed. My gut went cold.

“Yes, now I’m telling the truth,” Jaime said. “Why? Because I’m scared shitless, okay? Maybe I did lie earlier, but that was before you killed a Cabal bodyguard and captured the damned CEO.”

A humorless laugh. “So now you take me seriously?”

“Look, you can’t kill Benicio, okay?”

Beside me, Lucas exhaled and slumped against the wall. I stifled my own sigh of relief, for fear of breaking my cover spell.

Jaime continued, “It won’t reopen the portal.”

“Oh, but I could try…and I think I will. Just to be sure.”

Edward stepped toward Benicio. I broke my cover, a spell flying to my lips. Lucas started to swing around the corner.

“Wait!” Jaime said. “If you kill him, you can’t get Lucas.”

Edward stopped. Lucas yanked me back behind the wall.

“You need Lucas,” Jaime said. “You need someone who went through the portal.”

“And what does that have to do with keeping this bastard alive?”

“Think about it. What would happen if you called Lucas and said you have his dad? If you can prove you have his dad? Copyright 2016 - 2024