Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,160

like Seattle.”

“Portland seems fine, but we’ll probably look elsewhere, too, just to be sure.”

“As you should. Buying a house is a major commitment. You also have Savannah’s security to consider. Has Lucas mentioned that we have a satellite office in Seattle?”

“Really. How…surprising.”

I caught Lucas’s gaze across the floor. He put his fingers into his ears and mouthed “Ignore him.” I grinned back.

Benicio plowed ahead, explaining all the benefits of living in a city with a Cortez corporate office. How much safer it would be. How we could share resources. How we could keep an eye on local corporate operations to ensure no serious crimes against supernaturals were “accidentally” being committed. As I listened, I realized Lucas had the right idea. There was only one way to deal with Benicio. Let him talk. Let him “suggest.” Don’t argue. Don’t even answer. Just listen…and let it all flow out the other ear.

While we danced, and Benicio talked, I tried to keep an eye on Lucas, but it proved increasingly difficult. Benicio seemed determined to steer me away from Lucas, probably so his son wouldn’t notice he was using the opportunity to “advise” me. Soon we were so deep in the mass of other dancers that I lost sight of him.

When we finished our dance, Benicio accompanied me back to where Lucas had been standing. He wasn’t there. Benicio lifted one hand, just slightly, and Troy appeared.

“Where’s Lucas?” Benicio asked.

“Morris was watching him; I was watching you.”

Troy glanced around, then waved Morris over. As Morris approached, Troy slipped away.

Morris admitted he’d seen Lucas head away from the buffet table, but when he tried to follow, couldn’t find him.

“I figured he just went to the bathroom. You said not to crowd him, and he was heading in that direction.”

Troy returned. “Tim saw Lucas leave, sir. He tried to follow, but Lucas said he needed to use the washroom, so Tim backed off. He’s waiting at the end of the hallway. Lucas hasn’t come out yet.”

“That’s right,” I said, turning to scan the room so Benicio wouldn’t see the lie in my face. “Just before our dance he asked whether I’d seen where the bathrooms were. He probably decided to slip away while we were busy. Now that you mention it, I could use a quick trip myself. If Lucas comes back before I do…”

“I’ll tell him where you are,” Benicio said.


I hurried off.

I did hope Lucas had gone to the bathroom, but I doubted it. Knowing I was already worried about his safety, he wouldn’t take off for something so trivial without telling me. The only thing that would make him leave his post would be spotting Edward or, rather, catching so fleeting a glimpse of the vampire that he knew if he didn’t follow immediately, he’d lose him. When he’d seen the Cortez security guard following, he would have used the bathroom excuse to get rid of him.

Edward had already lured Lucas to his death once. Could the same ruse work twice? I told myself it couldn’t, that Lucas was too savvy for that. Yet, if the situation were reversed, and I’d seen Edward while Lucas was otherwise engaged, would I say, “Humph, not falling for that one again,” and stand my ground? No. I’d realize it could be another trick but, given the choice between protecting myself and catching Edward before he killed again, I’d prep a good spell and proceed with caution. But I would proceed. And so would Lucas.

As I surveyed the partygoers, I tried to evaluate the situation logically. The last thing we needed was for me to panic and rush headlong into a back corridor, and straight into Edward’s grasp, while Lucas returned from an emergency bathroom visit. First, I should try his cell phone. I reached for my purse…and remembered I didn’t have one. Nor did I have a cell phone.

I hurried to the bathroom. Standing outside the men’s room, I cast a sensing spell within. It picked up one person. Good. Then the door opened and an elderly man walked out. Once he was gone, I cast the spell again, but the bathroom was empty.

“Damn, damn, damn,” I muttered.

I had to find Lucas—no, I had to find the others, who would help me find Lucas. As much as I bristled at losing a few precious minutes tracking down the others, I knew the extra effort would be worth it. They could track Lucas in a fraction of the time it would take me.

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