Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,148

eyebrow, lips curving in a slow grin. I rolled my eyes and discreetly pointed at his shirt. His gaze slid down to the bloody bullet hole.

“Ah,” he said. “Perhaps I should wait outside…in the alley or someplace suitably dark.”

“I’ll come with you,” I said. “Elena? Can I borrow your cell? I should call Cassandra, let her know we’re okay, in case she’s noticed we’ve been missing for eighteen hours.”

“Not likely,” Clay muttered. “Ten bucks says she hasn’t noticed you’ve left the hotel room yet.”

“That, I believe, is a wager I just might win,” Lucas said. “In fact, I’ll raise it to twenty and postulate that she’s not only noticed, but started looking for us.”

Clay shook his head. “Hate to take advantage of youthful optimism, but, sure, you’re on. Twenty bucks it is.”

It turned out that we didn’t need Elena’s cell phone after all. Lucas’s was still working—though I really hoped no one had called while we’d been in the ghost world, or they’d have racked up a hell of a long-distance charge.

Cassandra wasn’t at the hotel. She was out, with Aaron, looking for us, and had been since early the previous afternoon.

“How’d you know that?” I whispered to Lucas when Jaime told me the news.

He only gave a small smile and waved for me to continue talking to Jaime, who’d just returned to the hotel an hour ago, too exhausted from her nights of haunting to continue the search. I told her I’d track down Cassandra via Aaron’s cell.

“Better call Benicio first,” she said. “He’s going nuts. I swear, the city’s crawling with supernaturals tonight looking for you two. I heard he called in every Cortez security force in the country. We notified him as soon as we realized you guys were missing.” She paused. “Hope that was okay.”

“It was. Thanks. Will we see you later? Or are you taking off already?”

“Taking off?”

“Back on tour. Now that everything is over—”

“Over? What about Edward?”

“Oh, right. Sorry. Let me back up.”

I told her what she didn’t know. Then she told me what I didn’t know. When Elena and Clay came out of the restaurant, Lucas and I were huddled together, talking quietly as we tried to absorb the news.

“What’s up?” Elena said.

“We have a problem,” I said.


“Bad guy not dead.”


LAST TIME I’D SEEN EDWARD, HE’D BEEN RUNNING FOR the portal, so we assumed he’d jumped through right after us. He hadn’t made it. Less than an hour after we disappeared, Edward phoned John in New Orleans asking to be put in contact with Cassandra. John had the good sense to hand over Aaron’s number, rather than try negotiating with Edward himself. When Edward finally got in touch with Cassandra, he demanded that she, as the vampire delegate to the council, negotiate on his behalf with the Cortez Cabal.

This made no sense to me. If Edward knew Natasha was waiting on the other side, why would he want to bargain his way out of a death sentence? Turned out he didn’t. As Cassandra explained, Edward knew he’d be executed for his crimes, and he accepted that…so long as his punishment ended there. In a Cabal court, there is a sentence worse than execution: execution plus an afterlife curse, which sends your soul into limbo. For a vampire, the threat held little power, since most assumed they didn’t have an afterlife. Can’t curse a soul that doesn’t exist. But now Edward knew better. Natasha still lived, in some form, in some place, and he wanted to be with her. Maybe this was why Natasha had been trying to contact Jaime, to somehow negotiate with us or pass along a message to Edward, telling him to stop and accept execution before he went too far. But now he had gone too far. In killing Lucas, he’d ensured that his death would come with every curse Benicio could dream up. His only hope was to negotiate an ironclad settlement before Benicio knew his beloved youngest son was gone.

The problem was that Cassandra knew nothing about portals and Cabal curses, and didn’t even know for certain that we’d found Edward. She knew only that we were missing and he might be to blame. So she did the obvious: demanded to know where we were, whereupon Edward realized everyone knew we’d disappeared, which meant any hope of negotiating with the Cabals had also disappeared, which meant he didn’t need Cassandra to mediate for him. So he’d hung up.

Not surprisingly, no one had heard from Edward since. My first Copyright 2016 - 2024