Industrial Magic - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,112

Aaron’s findings, but before I could ask, John returned. He was dressed in black leather pants and a white linen shirt. Still pretty Goth, but not as theatrical as last night’s attire. I suspected there was a lot of theatrics to John’s image. Last night he’d gushed about Aaron, but when the man showed up in person, Brigid had been the only one vamping it up.

“It’s Edward, isn’t it?” Aaron said as John pulled out a chair.

“That would be my guess,” John said. “I don’t know him well enough to say for certain—”

“No one knows them well enough to say for certain,” Aaron said.

“Them?” I asked.

“Edward and Natasha. They’re a couple. Been together a very long time.”

“I’ve heard those names,” I said. “In the council minutes. They’re immortality questers.”

“Did the council investigate them?” Lucas asked.

“Investigated and exonerated, if I remember correctly,” I said. “It was at least thirty, forty years ago. Another vampire expressed some concern about their questing—no outright allegations, just a bad feeling. Anyway, Edward and Natasha weren’t breaking any codes, just searching for answers, like most questers.”

“Well, it’s gone beyond bad feelings,” Aaron said. “Seems rumors have been circulating about them in the vamp community for a while, saying they’ve gotten into some nasty shit up in Ohio.” Aaron caught my look. “Yeah, they’ve been living in Cincinnati. Lucas told me that’s where you figure the killer’s from. I’d say we’ve got ourselves a suspect.”

“Is this connected to their questing?” I asked.

“Possible,” Lucas said. “They may have uncovered a ritual requiring supernatural blood.”

“Then where’s the Cabal connection? Sure, it’s a great way to find supernaturals—just hack into the Cabal employment records—but you think they’d stick to the periphery, with runaways like Dana. Attacking a CEO’s family is only going to raise the stakes.”

“That could be a side effect of the killing itself,” Lucas said. “After Dana and Jacob, Edward saw the chaos he was creating and couldn’t resist a bigger challenge.”

“Or maybe the ritual wasn’t working and they thought Cabal royal blood might help.”

“Not they,” John said. “Only Edward.”

Cassandra shook her head. “Those two don’t do anything alone.”

“They do now,” Aaron said. “No one’s seen Natasha for months. Rumor is she’d finally had enough, that things got too bad, and she took off.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Cassandra said. “They’d been together for over a century. After that long, you don’t just—” Her gaze flicked toward Aaron. “What I mean is, it seems unlikely that those two would separate.”

“Well, one way or another, she is gone,” John said. “And I doubt Edward’s happy about it.”

Quest for Immortality

NEXT STOP: CINCINNATI, OHIO. USING EDWARD AND NATASHA’S known aliases, as provided by Aaron, Lucas had found two Cincinnati area addresses for the vampires. There, we hoped to find either more evidence or some clue as to their current whereabouts. Aaron offered to come along, and Cassandra was in for the long haul, so all four of us were going, which seemed an expensive proposition…until Lucas led us to the private airstrip at the Lakefront Airport.

“I wondered how you two got to New Orleans so fast,” I said as we approached the Cortez jet.

Lucas’s gaze slid away and he shifted our bags to his other shoulder. “Yes, well, after I spoke to you, my father called and when I told him we were pursuing a lead, he offered the use of the jet. It seemed a wise idea, allowing us to bypass the schedules and restrictions of commercial flight.” He shifted the bags again. “Perhaps I should have—”

“You did the right thing,” I said. “The faster we can move, the better.”

“I don’t see what all the fuss is about,” Cassandra said as the flight crew scrambled to lower the boarding ramp. “This business about refusing to join your own Cabal makes absolutely no sense. If you want my opinion—”

“I’m pretty sure he doesn’t, Cass,” Aaron said.

“Well, I was just going to say—”

With impeccable timing, the pilot hailed Lucas to discuss last-minute flight details. A crew member took our overnight bags, then the attendant showed us to our seats. By the time Lucas returned, the plane was taxiing down the runway. The attendant followed him in and took beverage orders, then chatted with Lucas for a moment as the plane lifted off. And if you think this sidetracked Cassandra from voicing her opinion about Lucas’s situation, then you don’t know Cassandra.

“As I was saying,” Cassandra said after the attendant delivered our drinks. “I really fail to understand this whole rebellion of Copyright 2016 - 2024