Inappropriate - Vi Keeland Page 0,84

decided to put off the decision—hoping something will happen organically.”

Mia’s lips pressed together in a straight line. “I see only three things that could happen organically.” She held up her hand and counted them off, first with her pointer. “One, you split up and there is no decision to make.” She added her middle finger. “Two, he changes his mind.” She raised her ring finger. “Three, you accept not having children.” She shook her head. “You just said you don’t think he’ll ever change his mind. So that leaves splitting up or you accepting a very different life than you want. I don’t think banking on splitting up is a healthy way to be in a relationship, and the last choice is an awfully big concession. Are you sure you would want that life?”

My shoulders slumped. Mia was one hundred percent right, but avoidance was the only way to stay happy, and it had been a long time since I wanted someone in my life so badly.

I sighed. “I know burying my head in the sand is probably only going to make things worse in the future. But…I’m crazy about him, Mia. I don’t want to give him up.”

Mia stared at me for a long time and then abruptly stood. “January first.”

“What about it?”

“That’s the day you make the decision. It gives you a few months to enjoy the man and give it thought. But January first, we’ll sit down at this table and not get up until you’ve made a decision you can live with.”

I forced a smile. “That’s a good plan.” Though, in my heart, I knew it was stupid. Chances were four more months would only make me fall harder for Grant Lexington, especially the side of him he’d been showing me the last few weeks. But my head was pretty damn good at convincing my heart it was in control. So I went with the plan.

“Come on. No more talk about this subject,” I told Mia. “Let’s go finish sorting your stuff so your hubby can drop the donations off. I want to throw some things in from my closet, too.”

“Okay. What do you say we double-date tonight? Have dinner at that new Italian place downtown?”

“I’ll text Grant. He’s working today, but he planned to come over later. I’m sure he’d be up for it.”

I stood to get started, and Mia reached out and squeezed my arm. “One more thing and then no more talking on the subject, I promise.”


“Take it slow. I know you care about him, but go slow. Don’t give your heart so fully away that you won’t be able to take it back.”

I nodded. Except I was pretty sure I already had.


I hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time. Mia kept all of us amused with stories about the odd things that happened at her spa.

“Another woman came in and asked if her husband could watch her Brazilian wax. Aside from the fact that treatment rooms are small, we don’t generally allow people to watch while we do procedures with someone’s legs wide open on a table when they’re naked. So I asked if he wanted to watch because he was interested in getting waxed himself and offered to do a sample strip on his back or leg. The woman, with a complete straight face, said he wanted to watch because he was a masochist, and it gets him aroused to see her in pain. Uh…no thanks. I think I’ll pass on helping you get your husband’s rocks off today.”

Grant was definitely the most shocked of the group. Not only was he not used to Mia’s dark humor, he had no idea what half the services she offered were for.

“The beauty of owning my own spa is that now I never have to see an ass that looks like a rainforest propped up on a waxing table again.” Mia looked at Grant with a straight face and said. “Do you wax your balls or shave?”

He looked like a deer caught in the headlights, which was amusing as hell since he rarely looked rattled. He actually started to answer her, and I had to let him off the hook.

“She’s teasing you.” Mia and I laughed so hard tears streamed down my face.

The waiter came over to offer more wine, and everyone but Mia declined because the rest of us were driving. Grant had gotten stuck at the office late and met me at the restaurant, so we had two cars. One small Copyright 2016 - 2024