Inappropriate - Vi Keeland Page 0,42

Dragging out shit about my ex-wife isn’t the way to make that happen.”

“What would you like to know?”

“I don’t know. The game we played in the car on the way home from the fundraiser worked well. Tell me something I don’t know about you.”

The mood had definitely dampened, and Grant was right. We didn’t need to drag all of our skeletons out of the closet the first evening we spent time together. So I said something I thought might tilt the mood back to playful.

“I love accents. Growing up, every time I heard a new one, I’d study it until I nailed it down. Actually, I still do it from time to time.”

Grant looked amused. “Let’s hear Australian.”

I sat up and cleared my throat. “Okay. Let me think.” I tapped my finger to my lip. “This is turn on the air conditioner. It’s hot in here. Chuck awn da egg ignisna. Iz hawt innere.”

Grant laughed. “That’s actually pretty good. How about British?”

“Okay. Here is I don’t often use my cell phone.” I cleared my throat again. “I don’t OF-unh use me MOH-bye-ul.

He chuckled. “Nice.”

“Your turn. Tell me something about you I don’t know.”

He looked at my lips. “I want to devour your mouth.”

I swallowed. “I sort of knew that already.”

Grant kept staring at my lips, and I squirmed. Yet he still didn’t lean in and go for a damn kiss. The way he looked at me, I was about two seconds away from taking it upon myself to make the first move. But then he looked over my shoulder.

“When did that happen?”

I blinked a few times. “What?”

He lifted his chin to point behind me. “That.”

I turned. The sky was the most amazing shade of orange mixed with deep purple hues. “Oh my God. That’s incredible.”

I stood to take in the full view, and Grant stood behind me. We were both silent as we watched the sky light up with color around the setting sun. He snaked a hand around my waist and rested his head on top of mine.

“I know you said you don’t bring dates here, but do you do this often? Appreciate the view, I mean.”

“I do, actually. I make a point of taking a few minutes every day to watch either the sunset or the sunrise. I run on the beach in the morning and catch it, or if my day starts early, I make sure I’m back here before sunset.”

I leaned my head back against Grant’s chest. “I like that.”

He squeezed me closer. “Good. I like this.”

Time just got away from us after that. We talked for hours, and before I knew it, it was almost midnight.

I yawned.

“You’re tired.”

“Yeah. I get up at three thirty.”

“Want me to drive you home? I can pick you up to get your car in the morning.”

I smiled. “No, I’m okay to drive still. But I should get going.”

Grant nodded. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

He helped me off the boat, and the gold-painted name on the back caught in the dock lights. Leilani May.

“Who is the boat named after?”

Grant looked away. “No one.”

For a businessman, he wasn’t a very good liar. But the evening had been so nice that I didn’t ruin it by pressing the subject.

We walked down the dock hand in hand, and when we got to my car, Grant took my other one, too. He laced his fingers with mine. “So did I pass your test? Do I get an actual date?”

I smirked. “Maybe.”

“Good, then I don’t need to be on my best behavior anymore.”

Grant let go of my hands and cupped my cheeks. He guided me to take a few steps, and before I realized what was happening, my back was up against my car and he’d planted his lips over mine. I gasped, and he didn’t waste the opportunity to dip his tongue inside. His kiss was assertive, yet gentle at the same time. He tilted my head and groaned when the kiss deepened. His desperate sound turned me on almost as much as the feeling of his hard body pressed against mine. My purse fell to the gravel, and my hands wrapped around his back. When I dug my nails into him, he grabbed my ass and lifted me off my feet. We groped each other, my legs locked around his waist as he grinded against me. I could feel how hard he was even through our clothes.

When the kiss finally broke, I struggled to catch my breath. “Wow.” I’d been kissed before, kissed Copyright 2016 - 2024