Immortalis - By R. A. Salvatore Page 0,44

bid you return to Ursal now, with no threat from us, until such time as Prince Midalis, the brother of King Danube who had long been named as rightful heir, can come south from Pireth Vanguard to place his claim to the throne or to condone the ascent of Aydrian. Only then will we of Palmaris swear fealty to the crown."

"I, we, did not ride here to secure an alliance, Bishop Braumin Herde!"

Duke Kalas roared back. "You..." He swept his arm out dramatically to encompass all of those listening. "You all have sworn fealty to the crown of Honce-the-Bear. We have ridden north in a time of great celebration, in announcement that the crown has passed, in accordance with King Danube Brock Ursal's own wishes and words, to King Aydrian Boudabras. Open wide your gates, Bishop Braumin, and cease your treasonous proclamations. Your king has come to visit!"

"Go home, Duke Kalas," Braumin Herde replied without the slightest hesitation. "We have heard your words, and Aydrian's claim to the throne, and we are not moved. Especially so when we consider the theft of the Abellican Church that is even now commencing."

"Open wide your gates and greet your new king with proper respect," Duke Kalas warned.

"When Prince Midalis arrives, he will be greeted accordingly," Braumin replied.

Duke Kalas stared hard at the man for a long while, then scanned the length of the wall, his eyes narrow and threatening. "Is this the decision of Palmaris, then?" he asked, and his reply came forth as a volley of jeers, telling him to go away.

"So be it," Duke Kalas said to Bishop Braumin. "Do tell your grave- diggers to stock up on extra shovels." He replaced his great plumed helm on his head, then brought his horse about suddenly and galloped back to the Ursal line, the other two Allheart Knights in tow.

"Ye did well," the man standing next to the bishop of Palmaris remarked, and he patted Braumin on the shoulder.

Braumin offered a grateful nod in reply. He wondered, though, if that man would feel the same way when Palmaris' walls came tumbling down.

"Jilseponie is behind this treason," Duke Kalas spat when he returned to his place beside King Aydrian. "You underestimated the power of the witch, and now before us, the gates are closed!"

"Perhaps we should thank her, then," Marcalo De'Unnero remarked, and the duke and the others stared at him curiously.

"If all the kingdom willingly joins with King Aydrian before Prince Midalis can move south out of Vanguard, the war will be over before it ever begins," the duke reasoned. "Better for us all if - "

"Do you so fear a fight?" De'Unnero interrupted, cutting short the man's argument. "Perhaps Palmaris will prove a valuable lesson for the rest of the kingdom. Perhaps it is time that we show the people of the land the price of denying the truth of Aydrian Boudabras."

That brought a few nods from those close enough to hear, and Kalas let go of his argument and turned to Aydrian for his orders.

Aydrian's blue eyes bored into the man, reminding him of his encounter with death, reminding him of his journey to the dark realm, when Aydrian had literally pulled him back to life. Those eyes told Kalas profoundly that this man, and not the pitiful Abellican Church, held the secret to life after death, held the secret to immortality itself.

"March to the wall, Duke Kalas," Aydrian commanded. "If they do not open the gates, we will tear the gates down."

The duke nodded his obedience, then spurred his pinto away, gathering up his commanders, organizing the first charge.

To the side, remaining quiet, but watching intently, Sadye took a good measure of Aydrian. She could see the strength of the young king. She could see the vision of the man. He was so beyond those around him, De'Unnero included, so enwrapped in a journey of greater glory that he feared nothing at all. Truly, he was king, of Honce-the-Bear and beyond.

Truly, all the world should bow before him, for he was... above them.

Sadye caught herself with a deep breath, hardly believing the thoughts that had flooded through her. She studied Aydrian carefully, his intense blue eyes peeking out from the golden rims of his helm, his blond hair showing all about the edges. She looked at his armor, the most magnificent suit in all the world, and she knew even beyond that, that the man beneath those metal plates was more magnificent still.

She did step back from her own Copyright 2016 - 2024