Immortalis - By R. A. Salvatore Page 0,14

peak that looked somewhat like the wrinkled face of an old man. "Close enough, perhaps, so that the scouts of Tymwyvenne are looking upon us, their deadly weapons readied to strike at you should you make any untoward movement against me," she added, flashing Juraviel that mischievous grin of hers.

"Let them attack, then!" Juraviel cried dramatically, and he flung himself against Cazzira, crushing her in his loving hug, the both of them laughing. He pushed his lover back to arm's length, his golden eyes locking with hers, which were no less distinctive and startling, the lightest shade of blue that contrasted so starkly with her raven locks.

How deeply did Belli'mar Juraviel love this Doc'alfar! And in looking at her, every time he looked at her, he knew that Lady Dasslerond would come to see the beauty of it all, and the benefit of rejoining their long-lost cousins.

Sometime later, with the moon Sheila shining brightly overhead, the two elves moved along the lower slopes of the foothills, Cazzira leading in a generally westerly direction. They would not make Tymwyvenne that night, she had explained to Juraviel, but she was fairly certain that they would see the magnificent woodwork of the elven city's great gates early on their second day of travel.

They set camp in a clearing up above the bogland and skeletal trees that marked the region of Tymwyvenne, taking little care to conceal their campfire. For they were in the realm of the Doc'alfar now, secure from any intruders save Cazzira's own people.

The night was quiet about them, with only a gentle breeze blowing. A bit of a chill carried in on that breeze, but it was nothing their generous fire couldn't defeat.

"You will press King Eltiraaz to send us off immediately to your people? " Cazzira asked as the two lay side by side, staring up at the moon and the stars.

"Better that you and I make the first journey to Caer'alfar," Juraviel explained. "Lady Dasslerond will be no more trusting of your people than your King Eltiraaz was of me when first I ventured onto your lands. It is my Lady's duty to move with caution concerning the welfare of her people, and I would expect no less of her." He rolled to his side so that he was facing Cazzira directly, looking into her light blue eyes, which had so captured his heart. "But you will melt her caution," he said quietly.

"Together you and I will forge the bond anew between our peoples, to the gain of Touel'alfar and Doc'alfar alike.

"To the gain of Tylwyn Doc and Tylwyn Tou alike, you mean," Cazzira teased, using the Doc'alfar names of the respective races, and pointedly and playfully putting her own people first. She moved her hand onto Juraviel's shoulder as she spoke, and he suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm back, pinning it.

"Touel'alfar and Doc'alfar!" he demanded.

"And if I refuse?" Cazzira countered.

"Then I shall have my way with you!" Juraviel replied. "Unless of course, the wondrous sentries of the Doc'alfar are about, ready to spring to your defense!"

Cazzira laughed. "The same wondrous sentries who managed to capture Belli'mar Juraviel on his first pass through their land, and with ease!"

"Aha!" Juraviel said dramatically, pointing one finger into the air. "But how do you know that was not my plan all along? To get captured so that I could steal from your people."


"Your heart, at least."

"My heart?" Cazzira echoed incredulously. "Could you be so foolish as to believe that I have any romantic feelings toward you, Belli'mar Juraviel?"

With great dramatic flourish, Juraviel rolled away from Cazzira, clutching his heart as he went. "Ah, but you have shot an arrow into my heart!" he cried. "Mortally wounding - "

"I had thought to do the same," came a third voice, startling both from their play. Juraviel increased his roll and twisted about, coming swiftly to his feet, while Cazzira propped herself up on her elbows.

Both relaxed when they saw a familiar figure enter the firelight, that of Lozan Duk, who had accompanied Cazzira on the initial capture of Juraviel and Brynn Dharielle. He looked much like Cazzira, except that he was a bit broader in the shoulders and his eyes were dark, not light. The Doc'alfar scout spent a long moment studying the pair, his expression curious and obviously amused.

"Your journey to the southland was successful, I presume," he said. "Has the ranger Brynn unified the To-gai-ru tribes as securely as Juraviel and Cazzira have unified themselves, I wonder?"

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