Immortal Angel (Argeneau #31) - Lynsay Sands Page 0,95

was also a good boyfriend. He was sweet and considerate with her, and while he was the only lover she’d ever had, Ildaria was quite sure she couldn’t have asked for a better one. In the shared dreams he had been tender, giving and passionate, always ensuring she found her pleasure first.

Of course, life mate sex had been a little different. There he had been demanding and almost rough, but then so had she. As life mates it was impossible not to be. They became rutting animals, fighting together toward the blessed release awaiting them. In comparison to the shared dreams, life mate sex was also incredibly fast; a hurricane sweeping the surface of their minds, as opposed to the building waves of shared sex creeping up the shore.

“Angel?” G.G. said, drawing her back to him in the here and now. “What were you worrying about?”

“If Lucian and your father cannot make Juan leave me alone, I will have to run and hide again,” she said finally.

“If that happens, we will run and hide,” he said firmly.

“But you would have to give up your family and the Night Clubs, and you would have to shave off the Mohawk and grow normal hair so that you did not stand out,” she pointed out miserably. “I could not ask that of you, G.G. I could not subject you to the kind of life I have had to live for so long. It isn’t right. I—” Her words broke off in surprise when he suddenly clasped her face in his hands.

“We are life mates now, Ildaria,” G.G. said firmly, his tone brooking no argument. “Your problems are mine and mine are yours. If you have to run, I will run with you. Wherever you go, I will follow, and I’d leave everything behind to do it. Do you understand?”

Ildaria stared at him for a long moment as his words ran around and around her head and then melted and dropped down into her heart. They made her feel . . . cared for. She was no longer alone. She felt loved, a feeling she hadn’t enjoyed for a very long time.

“Do you understand?” G.G. asked again when she was silent for so long. “You are mine. Wherever you go, I go.”

“Si, wherever I go, you go,” she said finally, and then vowed, “And wherever you go, I go too.” Ildaria watched the solemnity in his face give way to a smile and then she shifted on him, pushing herself up to a sitting position. The movement made them both catch their breath as she unintentionally shifted on his shaft and squeezed it, sending a wave of pleasure through their bodies.

“Damn,” G.G. growled, his hands reaching for her breasts and cupping them as if he couldn’t resist, even as he asked, “Are you all right, Angel?”

Ildaria knew he was asking if she felt better about the possibility they might need to run, but between his hands caressing her breasts and his growing erection inside her, her body was feeling pretty damned good too and she moaned, “Si,” through the pleasure mounting inside her and covered his hands, urging him on. She then tilted her head back and closed her eyes, her hips shifting against him again, and then again, making them both groan. She’d never done this before, and had no idea of rhythm or technique, she just moved in the way that gave her the most pleasure, giving them both pleasure she knew as G.G. continued to grow inside her. God, he was so big . . . everywhere. At least, it seemed to her that he was as she stretched around him. Then G.G. shifted his hands to grasp her hips and began to help, leaving her to clasp her own breasts as she rode him.

The pleasure overwhelmed them even more quickly this time. It seemed to Ildaria that she was just getting the hang of what she was doing when a bomb went off inside her head. She didn’t even have time to cry out this time before she was sucked under the darkness that dropped over her mind. Although she thought she might have whimpered as she collapsed into it.

It was H.D.’s tiny little tongue licking her cheek that woke Ildaria up. Nose wrinkling at the wet kisses, she blinked her eyes open and stared into his furry chest, slowly becoming aware that she was lying on something lumpy. Lifting her head, she turned to look down and saw that Copyright 2016 - 2024