Igniting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology #2) - Robin LaFevers Page 0,50

who have disturbed my digestion.”

Yet another moment of grace I do not deserve, but I take it gladly. “Thank you.” I cross over to the sideboard beside the far wall and retrieve the mortar and pestle. As I grind the ginger down to a fine powder, the act of making something that will aid new life helps to chase away the dregs of my earlier encounter.

I am just pouring the spice into a goblet when I sense a clamor of heartbeats outside the queen’s door. “Leave!” The deep command is followed by a flurry of gasps and squeals as the queen’s attendants who have just come back from breakfast are chased away. The door bursts open, and the king steps over the threshold, followed closely by General Cassel and Captain Stuart.

The king’s gaze sweeps around the room. When it lands on me, he shouts, “Seize her!”

General Cassel twitches and for one moment I think he is going to grab me himself, then four guards step around him and pour into the room.

“Hold!” The queen’s command halts the men as thoroughly as any sword. She stands beside the bed at her full height, cheeks aflame with matching fury. “Why are you seizing my attendants?”

“She is a murderess.” The king’s voice is low and thrums with anger. “Even now, she tries to poison you.”

The queen throws back her head and laughs, a move I cannot help but admire, given our circumstance. “Poison me?” She shakes her head as she would at a foolish child. “She is preparing my daily tonic. If it were poison, I would have been dead long before now.”

The king frowns. “But your illness—”

“Ill is not the same thing as poisoned. Truly, my lord.” Her voice is softer now, soothing. “What brings you here in such a state?”

“The lawyer Monsieur Fremin has been found dead. Pushed to his death by this woman.” It is all he can do to keep from pointing at me.

“I am sure you are mistaken.” The queen gives me an opening. “My lady? What say you to these accusations?”

I carefully set the mortar down. “Your Majesty, I was distressed when I learned of Monsieur Fremin’s death this morning, but it was not my doing. You have only to ask the guards—I was with them when they discovered his body.”

One of the same guards stands just behind General Cassel. He nods. “It is true, sire. She was not in the room with Monsieur Fremin.”

The king rounds on him. “Why was she not in her chambers?”

The queen answers. “Because she was here, attending to me.”

He ignores her and continues speaking to the guard. “She was supposed to be under close supervision.” His voice is deceptively smooth.

Looking acutely uncomfortable, the guard glances at his companion, then shrugs. “She left the room before we came on duty.”

“Find who was on watch then!” A flurry of movement follows the king’s command. “And remove her.” This time, he does point at me.

The guards take two steps forward before the queen interferes again. “No! You will not seize my lady in waiting and accuse her of such vile things with no more proof than that. The guard has said she was not in her room. I have confirmed that she spent the night attending upon me. What possible reason do you have to suspect her?”

Hands clenched at his side, the king takes a step forward. “She is an assassin.” He and the queen stare at each other for a long, uncomfortable moment. Finally, the queen speaks, her words deceptively soft and pitched so that only the king can hear, like a knife sheathed in velvet. “She is not the only assassin at court though, is she?”

The king looks as if he has been struck with a pole. His eyes and mouth are open with surprise, but the deep scowl carved into his forehead bespeaks his displeasure at having this information revealed. “Why are you so convinced this woman is not guilty? We have been awash in bodies since her arrival.”

“On the contrary, sire, it has only been the last week.”

“How can you be so certain she has your best interests at heart?”

She smiles. “I have many reasons, but the news I will share should help convince you, although it is for your ears only at present.”

The king’s eyes gleam with both curiosity and suspicion, and he orders his men from the room. When they are gone, the queen takes a deep breath. “I am certain she is not poisoning me, because I

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