Igniting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology #2) - Robin LaFevers Page 0,205

had been served, by this crown or others, you have consistently given your loyalty to your queen and gone far above your duty in all things, but especially in your most exemplary concern for your sisters. All children should be so lucky to have such an advocate on their behalf.”

Sybella closes her eyes as she dips her head to receive the chain, but not before I see how brightly they shine.

And then he is before me, his face filled with warmth and pride and a faint glimmer of regret. “And, Lady Genevieve. Your service has perhaps been the hardest of them all. To stay quiet and hidden in the shadows, patiently and inexorably exerting your will on those who should already know what you worked so hard to teach them. For your loyalty, and your friendship.”

I blink rapidly, but do not fool anyone as I bow my head. The gold chain is cool about my neck, the king’s fingers warm as he allows them to brush against my skin. It is a touch that says goodbye to our past, but welcomes our future. Then he steps back and faces all of us. “As the founding members of the Order of the Nine, I charge you all with telling me—all of France’s kings—the truth. And”—he glances briefly at me—“finding ways to help us hear it when we cannot.” He sighs. “In short, you are to continue doing what you have done to keep our lands and people safe. There is a bit more to it than that, but I think that will suffice for now. I have had all of the ceremony I can stomach for one day. You are dismissed.”

I am so stunned that it takes me a moment to find my feet, and when I do, my steps feel as if they do not touch the ground.

“Lady Sybella,” the king’s voice calls out. “If you and Sir Waroch would be so kind as to remain for a moment, I would like to speak to you about your sisters.”

“But of course, Your Majesty.”

I allow myself to continue walking out of the room, knowing she will tell me what transpires.

 Chapter 120


Gen is the last one out of the council room, leaving Beast and me alone with the king and queen.

“Regarding the matter of your sisters, Lady Sybella,” he says without preamble. “I have come to a decision. Since Louise is Sir Waroch’s sister’s daughter, I felt he should hear what I have to say.”

I glance at the queen, but if she has any notion what the king’s decision entails, it does not show on her face.

“Given your brother’s multiple acts of treason and his careless disregard for the lives of both those who serve under him and his own family, I cannot in good conscience grant custody to him. Indeed, I have still not decided if I shall pardon him for his crimes, although I think it will ultimately be his future behavior that determines that.” Although we have heard nothing from him, Pierre’s body was not found in the rubble at Givrand.

The king is generous with his pardons, having already granted one to Viscount Rohan in exchange for his sworn, true testimony to the events in Brittany as well as the exchange of some private holdings the crown has long wished for.

“But,” the king continues, “there is no legal precedent for a woman, an unwed woman, no less, to have custody of children. Not only is there no precedent, I am not certain it would be legal, even if I decreed such a thing. For I would, my lady.” His countenance grows earnest. “If ever anyone has proved their care and devotion to their siblings, it is you. However, even a king cannot change every law to his own liking.” My sinking heart must show on my face. “Do not despair. I think I have come up with what I hope is an agreeable solution.”

I wait, relatively certain the king’s perception of agreeable and mine will differ greatly.

“If you were married, my lady, I could then grant custody to your husband. And if, say, your husband was also related to one of the children, the legal claim would be even stronger.”

Because it is precisely what Beast and I wish for, I must clarify. “So you are saying if I marry, my husband will be granted custody of my sisters.”

“Which,” the king hurries to add, “if you choose your husband wisely, he will in turn trust you in those matters.”

I glance

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