Igniting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology #2) - Robin LaFevers Page 0,200

of why you fascinate me. They welcome war because it is how I have shaped them. You share their commitment even though I have not trained you. It is our shared blood.”

“That is my saint’s influence,” Beast’s voice grinds out. “Not yours.”

Cassel’s smile discounting Beast’s explanation causes my fists to clench. Someone needs to wipe that be-damned smirk from his face. “You and the king claim these types of men are no longer needed, our wars are being fought with different tactics, different weapons. But he is wrong. These men are always needed. No crown, no country, no city-state can rest secure without this sort of strength at its core.”

I glance over at the king, who stands beside Gen. His face is drawn into hard lines.

“So that is the nature of my men. I have yet to see the full potential of your own mettle. So far, I have given you easy choices. Kill or be killed.”

It is hard—so hard—for me not to just end this now. But we are greatly outnumbered, and it is not my fight. Even so, I hold my weapon at the ready.

Beast says nothing, but simply stares straight ahead, his eyes alight with the fury he will not give voice to.

Cassel steps closer—but not close enough to be within reach of Beast should he escape his chains. “Let us make this a more valuable test.” The note of anticipation in his voice makes the fine hairs on the nape of my neck stand up. “I will give you a truly difficult choice. Sacrifice yourself to save others. For that is what is at the core of your honor, is it not? I sent a company of men riding to the convent where I believe your sisters are being held.”

As I bite back a gasp, Beast’s head whips around to glare at the general, his jaw clenched so tight I can see the muscles bunching. “I have also sent a company of men to d’Albret’s holding, where the king has sent the Lady Sybella.” That is when I know he is lying.

“Both are important to you. You may stop one of them. Which shall it be?”

“I will destroy you,” Beast growls, his eyes taking on that feral light.

“You will need to. If you want to save one of them, you will have to fight through me first. Once you have done that, you may ride after whichever is dearest to your heart.”

Before Cassel has finished speaking, the battle fever begins to descend upon Beast. His eyes stop seeing anything but the general, his arms bunch and strain against the chains that hold him, his face contorting in agonized effort as the links slowly begin to stretch, their strength no match for Beast, until they finally give way and snap apart.

Before the men in the room can register what he has done, Beast jams his elbow into the closest one’s gut, knocking the wind out of him. While the man is doubled over, Beast wraps his hand around his neck and breaks it, then grabs the dying man’s sword just as his soul breaks free from his body.

I hear Gen gasp and slam down my defenses against this newest soul. As two more men rush Beast, I glance at General Cassel, the small twist of satisfaction on his face piercing me like an arrow as realization dawns. If Beast kills them all while in the throes of his battle lust, then Cassel will win. If Beast gives in to this, he will have become the thing that Cassel values above all.

I step forward from my hiding place on the gallery. “Beast!” My voice rings out above the noise below.

 Chapter 117

The fighting ceases as everyone looks to me. Beast’s body stills. “He lies. I am here. Safe. He has not sent anyone for the girls. We let loose all the horses in the stable. His men have nothing to ride on to this errand.”

General Cassel’s face twists with anger. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him gesture in my direction, ordering his men to seize me. Surely the stupid man does not think I’ve come alone. I motion with my hand, and the others step forward, bows drawn, arrows aimed below. But I only have eyes for Beast, who finally looks up at me. When our gazes meet, I take all the will I possess and shove it down at him, like I would thrust a rope to a drowning man. Come back to me.

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