If We Were Perfect - Ana Huang Page 0,108

always gives Lily an extra egg tart,” Olivia muttered. She shoved his chest. “Just for that, you’re doing laundry tomorrow.”

“Fine.” Sammy slid a palm up her thigh, smiling when he heard her breath hitch. “Look on the bright side—you learned how to make your favorite dumplings, our daughter has a beautiful name, and I’ll have to work extra hard to make it up to you...”

Which he did, for hours, on an “apology” tour that took them from the living room to the kitchen to the bedroom, where they finally collapsed, exhausted and content, on the bed.

“We have to wake up early tomorrow.” Olivia sighed, snuggling closer to him. “We still have to finish cleaning up the backyard. I bet there’s stuff we missed tonight—it was so dark by the time everyone left.”

“I’ll help.” Tomorrow was a workday, but Sammy had taken the week off. Jude ran a tight ship as Crumble & Bake’s CEO, and Liam had taken on increasingly more responsibilities while Sammy stepped back to spend more time with his family. He still loved the bakery, but it was no longer dependent on him, and that was the way it should be.

Crumble & Bake had only become more successful over the years after it opened its East Coast locations—which were huge hits—and added a full drinks menu to its offerings, much to Cordelia’s delight. A rising star on San Francisco’s theater scene, she was no longer with the company, but she visited often. They’d even named a latte after her.

“We might have to clean this up tomorrow, too.” Sammy glanced around his and Olivia’s room, wincing at the sight of the clothes strewn everywhere, the bottles they’d knocked over while they’d gone at it against the dressing table, and the dirt they’d tracked onto the floors. “This is a mess.”

Olivia had relaxed over the years when it came to cleaning and organization—they had kids, after all—but Sammy still tried his best to keep everything neat when possible.

Olivia rolled them over until she hovered over him. “No,” she said, drawing him in for a deep, luscious kiss that had him primed and ready to go for round four. Her eyes were warm and sparkled with love as she stared down at him. “This isn’t a mess. This is perfect.”


And that’s a wrap on the If Love series. Thank you SO MUCH for coming on this wild ride with me! I had a blast and hope you did too.

If you did, I would be forever grateful if you could leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or whichever platform you use most. Reviews are like tips for authors, and we rely on them to spread the word :)


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Twisted Love


If We Ever Meet Again (Duet Book 1)

If the Sun Never Sets (Duet Book 2)

If Love Had a Price (Standalone)

If We Were Perfect (Standalone)


All I’ve Never Wanted

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This is it. The end of the If Love series. I had never, in my wildest dreams, imagined that I’d publish four books in one year, but anything is possible in 2020!

I had such a blast writing these stories, all of which are dear to me in different ways, and I’m so grateful to the people who’ve consistently been there to ensure every book got the love it deserved before (and after) it was released into the world:

My beta readers Aishah, Leslie, and Jen.

My editors Shelby Perkins and Krista Burdine.

All the bloggers and reviewers who shared this book.

All the readers, new and old, who’ve taken the time to read one of my stories when there are so many to choose from in the world.

I am honored and forever grateful.

Love you all.

xo, Ana

About the Author

Ana Huang is an Amazon best-selling author of Young Adult, New Adult, and contemporary romance. Her books often feature strong heroines, sexy heroes, and Asian American characters.

Besides reading and writing, Ana loves traveling and learning about new cultures. She majored in international relations and her travels often inspire her story settings.

Ana lives in New York, where she prefers cafe-hopping, exploring the city's hidden gems, and binge-watching Netflix with a pint of Ben & Jerry's over taking advantage of the city's nightlife. She doesn’t drink coffee (!) but absolutely lives for matcha and chai lattes.

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