If We Never Met (Whisper Lake #5) - Barbara Freethy Page 0,111

to do this on their own.

As soon as they entered, they came to an abrupt stop. She didn't know what she'd been expecting, but the reality of the devastation was worse than she'd imagined. The ceiling had fallen through in several places. The steps were completely impassable, and the smell of gas and smoke was still thick in the air.

As her gaze moved down the hall, she could see the spot where she'd been trapped. That could have been where she died. That realization sped up her heart. She'd never been so close to losing her life. But she wasn't going to share that with her mother.

"This is awful," her mom said, her voice shaky.

She turned to face her mom. "It is awful, but we can rebuild. It won't be the same house, but it will be a new one. And you'll get to decorate it just the way you want. We've been talking about a kitchen remodel for years. Now, we'll have a new kitchen—a new everything."

Her mom gave her a weak smile. "You have always been such an optimist, Keira. When things get really dark is when you get the sunniest."

"Like you said last night, we're still alive, and we have each other. That's what matters. There might be some things to salvage in the garage."

"That's our best hope."

"Do you want to check it now?"

"In a minute. Mark and I talked most of the night."

"I thought he was going back to the Sunset Lodge."

"I didn’t let him. I didn't want him to be alone. And when we found out Mandy was in custody, it didn't make sense for him to go back to the motel. Erin and Peter were fine with him staying. Anyway, Mark is going to buy the house a couple of streets over. I'm thinking that I might stay there with him while this house is being rebuilt. You could stay there, too. It has three bedrooms. Or you could get an apartment if that's too awkward, but it's what I'd like to do."

She stared at her mom, seeing strength and confidence in the woman in front of her. "You really are okay now, aren't you?"

They both knew she wasn't talking about the fire.

"I've been trying to tell you that for a while," her mom said. "I don't want you to stay in Whisper Lake for me. I only want you to stay here if that's what you want. Is it, Keira?"

"I don't know. I have a lot here."

"But you don't have Dante."

"No. He can't stay, Mom. He's not like Justin or Zach. They could move their businesses here, but Dante's career doesn't happen in Whisper Lake."

Her mom gave her a compassionate look. "I understand. But yours could happen somewhere else. Has he asked you to go with him?"

"No. But he told me he loves me. He wants to find a way to make things work."

A smile lit up her mom's eyes. "I thought he might love you. How do you feel?"

"I love him, too. It's crazy. It's too fast, isn't it?"

"Not if it's right. Sometimes you just know."

"That's how I feel. I just know he's the one." She drew in a breath. "I'm thinking that it's time for me to make some changes, not just because I want to be with Dante, but because I've been drifting and spreading myself too thin for a long time. I thought I could do everything well, and it turns out I can't. I need to make some hard choices."

"Like what?"

"Put Brenda in charge of the realty business. Make Connie a full-time manager at the boutique. They're both more than capable. The money can continue to come in to help support your needs and mine. However, what no one else can do but me is the design work. It's what I love the most. I've been so stuck the last few years—not because of you."

"A little because of me," her mother said.

"Maybe a bit, but also just because I couldn't choose a lane. Now I feel like I can, like I have to."

"I feel that way, too. I've been restless the past year, Keira. I knew I needed more, but I didn't know more what, and I didn't know how to get it. Mark has reminded me of who I used to be, and I want to be that person again. I want to be independent and free and busy. I want to take care of people. I don't want them to take care of me." She paused.

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