If The Shoe Fits (Some Girls Do It #8) - May Sage Page 0,13

events are about business. Making a point that I see millions as spare change ensures that the world knows everything is fine at Lawson and Montgomery. Word travels. By morning, everyone will know I was here, what I wore, who I spoke to." His smile broadened. "Who I danced with."

Helene grimaced. "You truly are from another universe."

He shrugged. "Tell me things don't work like that in your social circle. You've never seen a colleague pay for a round of drinks for an entire room, and gossiped about it the next day around the copy machine?"

He was right, and she didn't like it, judging by the way her eyes narrowed. "I don't gossip. Or spend much time in the copy room."

Ah, she hadn't liked assumptions about her job. Which was only fair. He didn't much like her assumptions about him, either. No matter how hard they were to refute.

"Apologies. I don't know what you do." He paused. "I don't know anything about you at all, in fact. Tell me."

He leaned in, genuinely interested.

Her defensiveness clear in her stiff stance, she still replied. "I'm a sales associate for a boutique brand. Skin products. Derivative, I know. But I like it."

He smiled encouragingly. "My sister and her friends are always complaining about skin issues. I should send them your way."

"Sorry, I couldn't fit a business card in this dress."

She looked down at her fitted outfit, and Cade couldn't help it. He wasn't a saint. His gaze immediately zeroed in on her generously filled neckline.

"I suppose not."

She snorted. "Enough about me. What do you do at…" A crease appeared between her two shapely brows. "Lawson and Montgomery, was it?"

He was about to answer when Carter called for attention on the raised platform, clapping his hands. "Thank you for your generous contributions. Now, if you'd be so kind as to make some room, we'll start the first dance."

The hall was vast enough to fit twice as many guests—the bulk of the crowd moved to leave a clear space at the center.

While he was chatting with Helene, a band had set up close to the French windows leading to the gardens.

"Shall we?" He held a hand up. Helene took it, and let him lead her to the center of the room. "I'm the CFO and majority holder. James, the CEO and founder, handles most of the face-to-face aspects of the business. I'm the one who calculates the risk and decides which way we want to expand. Our business specializes in innovative technology. It's interesting, challenging, and sometimes frustrating, but I, too, very much enjoy my job."

No longer stiff or confrontational, Helene grinned. "I didn't expect that. I thought you'd sit on the board, play golf, and smoke cigars, or something."

Of course, she did. "Well, I do sit on the board. But as for the rest, you're confusing me with the other Mr. Lawson, my grandfather. Cigars stink, and golf bores me to tears. Don't ask about the yacht, though. I'm enjoying proving your prejudice wrong."

"You think me prejudiced?" She seemed genuinely surprised.

One of Cade's hands rested on the small of Helene's back, touching the soft velvety fabric that covered her curves, while the other held on to hers, ever so lightly. He looked right into the depths of her eyes. They were peculiar eyes, overall green at first glance, but there were speckles of gold at the center and the rim seemed almost blue. It would have been easy to get lost in these eyes. "If the shoe fits."

She sighed. "All right, so maybe I don't understand rich people. You're just so…extra."

"We're people, just like you. Your sister is wealthy enough in her own right, if I'm not mistaken. Does that make her different?"

"Yes." She bit her lip, and shook her head. "No. I mean, yes and no. She has this house, and a crazy closet, and spends a hundred bucks on brunch without blinking, but she's still Cassie. You know."

"And I'm Cade. With or without the hundred-buck brunch." Mostly with. But Cade had nothing against the occasional five-buck hot dog in the park.

The band started to play the intro to a familiar waltz.

"I don't know how to do this kind of dancing," Helene whispered, eyes budging.

Cade smiled. "Fortunately, I do. It's not rocket science. You just need to follow my lead."

He advanced and sidestepped, gently directing her, but Helene hesitated, before stumbling back somewhat awkwardly. His hand steadied her.

"I'm not very good at following." She bit her enticing lower lip again, unaware of just how

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