Ice_Reaux - Laura Wright Page 0,12

his bodyguards.”

“Anyone else?”

The man started to shake his head, only to change his mind when Ice’s fingers tightened. “Wait. There was a woman,” he confessed. “She was unconscious.”

Ice clenched his teeth. It had to be Karen. “Was the woman injured?”

The man hesitated, as if afraid to admit the truth.

“She was bleeding from a cut on her lip,” he slowly said.

Ice gave a low growl, his puma restlessly pacing in frustration. His animal wanted blood for blood. His human half, however, understood the need for information. “Where were they going?”

“I don’t know.” The man screamed as Ice squeezed tight enough to threaten his ability to breathe. “Stop.” He coughed as Ice eased his grip. “Their flight plan listed a small airfield south of St. Louis.”

St. Louis? Ice scowled in confusion. “Is there a Benson laboratory nearby?”

“I don’t know.” His expression was pleading. “I swear I don’t know. I’m just a grunt. They don’t tell me anything.”

Ice believed him. This man didn’t have the brains to be given sensitive intel. With a flick of his hand, Ice sent the idiot sailing across the room.

“If I were you, I’d look for a new job. Benson Enterprises is about to go out of business,” he offered as he turned to leave the hangar.

Cammy was waiting for him beside the Jeep, her stunning eyes shimmering with a violet glow in the sunlight. Ice’s cat purred in appreciation, wanting to lick her ivory skin from head to toe.

His musk spiced the air, bringing a blush to her cheeks, but with the rigid composure of a Hunter, she kept her thoughts trained on her duty.

“Tell me what you found out,” she commanded.

He halted just inches from her lush form, appreciating her skills as a warrior as much as her intoxicating feminine temptation.

“Nothing more than the fact that they were headed to a small airfield south of St. Louis, and that they had an unconscious woman with them,” he said.

She gave a slow nod. “Which means Karen is more than likely a captive and not a mole,” she murmured.

He arched a brow. His clever kitty had clearly realized that Karen’s disappearance might not have been a simple snatch and grab. If the woman had been spying for Benson Enterprises, her ‘kidnapping’ might very well have been a ruse used to get her out of the Wildlands without burning her cover.

But it was doubtful they would have gone to the trouble of knocking her unconscious. They couldn’t have suspected they’d be followed to the airport.

“Yeah, it appears that way.” He shrugged, sharing a glance with Cammy that assured her he intended to stay on guard.

He wasn’t taking anyone’s innocence for granted.

She nodded in silent agreement, rounded the back of the Jeep and climbed back into the passenger seat.

Ice crawled into his own seat behind the steering wheel, glancing toward the female at his side.

He’d known that he lusted after her lush curves, and that his cat was intrigued with her clever mind and loyalty to her pack. Now he had to add another reason to want to claim Cammy as his own.

They worked as a perfect team.


It was one of those kinds of dreams.

Cammy released a soft sigh, enjoying the sensual sense of anticipation that shivered through her. She was in a strange room, but she felt perfectly at home as she walked across the soft rug wearing nothing more than a short black robe. It didn’t even bother her to know there was a heated gaze watching her from the shadows.

Hell, she preened with the knowledge that she was driving the male crazy with need.

With a sexy twitch of her backside, she moved to crawl onto the chaise longue that was covered in a crimson satin that felt cool against her skin. With a catlike motion she rubbed her cheek against the smooth fabric, the air scented with a familiar male musk.

Raw heat spread through her.

She’d waited for this moment for so long.

Perhaps her entire life. Now she was anxious to lure the predator from the shadows.

“Do you intend to watch, or are you going to join me?” she murmured in a husky voice.

There was a low, male chuckle. Then, with a magic that could only happen in the world of dreams, a hundred candles flickered to life.

Ice prowled into the golden circle of light. “So you want to play, kitty?”

He was wearing nothing more than a loose pair of faded jeans that rode low on his hips. Her mouth went dry as her cat brushed against her Copyright 2016 - 2024